
    2. Characteristics of CLEs in Red Sorghum

    Northeast Gaomi Township, located at mid-east China, is unique,源Z自+优尔=文)论(文]网[www.youerw.com in its food, drink, vegetation, dress, custom, lifestyle and other aspects of life. To depict such uniqueness, Mo uses dialects words that are different from received mandarin. Some ballads, poems are also presented as art forms that show cultural specialty.

    2.1 Words and expressions

    Mo yan, as a big name in local colorism, is adept in manipulating expressions to create local scenery. Even from Chinese readers’ point of view, quite a number of expressions and chunks are fresh and charming, and can be distinguished easily from language habitus of other district. His stories, with the backdrop of mid-east China countryside, and characters such as farmers and workers, are fabricated by words, expressions, fragments that are directly drawn from daily conversations and dialects. They are sometimes coarse, vulgar, blatant, but exotic mostly, leaving an impression of boldness and unconstraint characteristic. For example, toads, snakes, mules, black soil, blood, Mr. Mo seems to enjoy describing vulgar sceneries. But these seemingly disgusting things are playing their due parts to construct a grand countryside panorama.

    However, at the same time, Mo’s words are extremely beautiful and vivid in description, no matter on character or on scenery, blending with the vulgarity and offsetting its inaptitude perfectly.

  1. 上一篇:联合国贸发文件中抽象名词翻译策略探究
  2. 下一篇:音乐对小学生英语语音影响的研究
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