



    There are many problems in current English teaching, especially in English teaching in primary and middle school cohesion. There are many disjointed phenomenon, serious impact on the quality of English teaching. Based on the analysis of primary and middle school English teaching connection and the main reasons of the problems, this paper puts forward some corresponding countermeasures to appeal to establish a comprehensive curriculum standard view and discusses some methods and suggestions of connection of English Teaching in primary and secondary schools from the two aspects, teachers and students. The author hopes that the paper can make more people know and understand the importance of connection of English between primary and middle schools, urge and encourage teachers and students to do a good job on connection, so as to improve the quality of English Teaching in primary and middle schools.

    Key words: English Teaching in primary and middle schools; cohesive problems; solutions


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. The Present Situation of English Teaching in Primary and Middle Schools 2

    III. Problems and Analysis of English Teaching in Primary and Middle Schools 3

      3.1 Disjoined Teaching Methods and Contents........... ..............................................4

    3.2 Different Teaching Requirements 5

    3.3 Teacher Quality That Need be Enhanced 6

    3.4 OutwornTeaching Evaluation 7

    3.5 Focus on the Psychological Transformation of Students 8

    IV. The Connections of English Teaching Between Primary and Middle Schools 9

    4.1 To establish a Comprehensive Curriculum View 9

    4.2 On Teachers’ Teaching 10

    4.3 On Students’ Learning 13

    V. Conclusion 15

    Bibliography 16

    Acknowledgements 17

    The Problems and the Countermeasures of the English Teaching Connection Between Primary and Middle Schools

    I. Introduction

    Since 1990s, with the further development of foreign language teaching, more and more primary schools have begun to set up English courses. As an English education major student, I have a lot of English teaching experiences in primary and middle school during my college period. I found that due to various reasons, primary and secondary schools English Teaching in connected to each other and natural transition appeared a lot of problems. English teaching in primary and junior high school are inpisible two parts at all time. Primary English is the basis of junior high school English, meanwhile, junior high school English is the continuation of primary English. Primary and junior high schools are two stages of basic education in our country, they are independent, but they also are connected with each other. However, for a long time, due to the restrictions of time, space and place, there exists a serious phenomenon in the teaching content, methods and evaluation, which greatly affects the quality of English teaching and learning. It is a practical problem English Teaching in primary and junior high schools that how to link up English Teaching in primary and junior high schools, how to promote students’ sustainable development, which has a direct impact on the quality of English teaching in primary and junior high schools. This differentiation phenomenon suggests us that the convergence of the two problems must be paid attention to and be solved, and no time to delay.

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