
    Abstract With globalization and rapid social and economic development, the need for bilingual talents is increasing, and bilingual teaching, which is to enhance two languages’ skills, has become one of the brightest moves to the national education reform and also one of the hottest topics to education research in China’s primary school. Bilingual teaching has been regarded as a need of China’s attempt to adapt itself to the internationalization and train internationally conscious talents. Bilingual teaching has been practiced for many years in China, but the application in primary school does not go smoothly. The thesis first clarifies the definition of bilingual teaching, and then points out the importance of bilingual teaching. An in-depth discussion is the current status of bilingual teaching in primary school, and a proper analysis is provided about the problems China’s primary schools are faced with in terms of teachers, language environment, teaching material and courses. In the end, my own views on how to work out the problems are presented, including strengthening the teachers’ team construction, creating bilingual atmosphere, developing bilingual materials and improving the construction of curriculum.53564

    Keywords: Bilingual teaching; Chinese primary school; problems; corresponding measures

    摘 要伴随着全球化进程不断加深以及社会经济的快速发展,双语人才的需求也在不断增加。以提高双语能力为主要目的的双语教学在全国范围内受到越来越多的关注, 成为我国当前教育改革的一大亮点, 也成为了我国小学教育研究的一个热点。作为中国适应国际化进程,并且培养具有国际意识人才的一个必要条件,双语教学在中国的实施已历经好长一段时间,但是我国小学双语教学的实施之路却走得并不顺利。




    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review1

    2.1 The Definition of Bilingualism and Bilingual Teaching.................................2

    2.2 The Significance of Bilingual Teaching..........................................................2

    2.3 The Current Status of Bilingual Teaching in China’s Primary School...........4

    3. Main Problems of Bilingual Teaching in China’s Primary School............4

    3.1 Lack of Professional Faculty...........................................................................5

    3.2 Lack of Favorable Teaching Environment......................................................6

    3.3 Lack of Bilingual Textbooks...........................................................................7

    3.4 Lack of Reasonable Courses...........................................................................8

    4. Solutions to Bilingual Teaching in China’s Primary School......................9

    4.1 Strengthening the Construction of Bilingual Teachers....................................9

    4.2 Creating Learning Environment for Bilingual Teaching...............................10

    4.3 Choosing Proper Teaching Materials............................................................12

    4.4 Setting up the Course Scientifically..............................................................13

  1. 上一篇:游戏在小学英语课堂教学中的运用
  2. 下一篇:提高初中学生英语词汇学习效率的有效方法探究
  1. 义乌市后宅镇农村小学英语教学现状调查

  2. 多媒体在小学英语教学中的应用

  3. 故事教学法的小学英语微课设计与开发研究

  4. 小学英语课堂中教师话语的语用分析

  5. 小学英语教育中的赏识教育

  6. 中小学英语课堂教师话语的使用策略

  7. 小学英语培训机构现状的调查研究

  8. 大型工程项目的环境影响评价研究

  9. 破碎机的文献综述及参考文献

  10. 海门市东洲公园植物配置调查

  11. 女生现茬學什么技术前景...

  12. 美容學校排行榜前十名,...

  13. 聚苯乙烯微孔材料的制备及性能研究

  14. 女人40岁考什么证比較好,...

  15. 主动配电系统能量优化调度模型研究现状

  16. 基于AHP的保险业市场竞争力评价方法的研究

  17. 螺旋桨砂型铸造工艺研究现状




