- 上一篇:小学英语教学中的情景教学法探究
- 下一篇:古诗词中数字模糊性的语用分析
Different students have different achieving goals, processes and results in English learning. These differences are resulted from different main bodies of English learning. Among various factors influencing the English learners, there is an important kind of factors——that is the emotional one which includes motivation, attitude, interests, personality and so on. The motivated students are usually more active in learning while those unmotivated students are easily tended to cause disturbances in class.源/自:优尔:;论-文'网www.youerw.com
Students’ motivations must be paid attention to and teachers should learn to stimulate students’ motivations. Motivation and its classification, some factors which influence the motivation, the importance of motivation in Junior High School English learning and the ways to cultivate students’ motivation are mainly talked about in this paper.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Motivation
R,C,Garnder(1996) defines motivation as a combination of effort and desire to obtain the goal of learning the target language and favorable attitudes towards learning the language.
Ellis,R(1987) who is a famous professor of at the college of education of Temple University defines motivation as a state of cognitive and emotional arousal leading to a intentional decision to behave and giving rise to a period of sustained intellectual and physical effort.
Dornyei(1994) defines motivation as a process whereby a certain amount of instigation force arises, initiates an action, and persists as long as no other force comes into play to weaken it and thereby terminate action or until the planned outcome has been reached.
The paper argues that motivation is both an internal and external factor that stimulates people’s desire and energy to be continuously interested in and committed to future career or to make an effort to achieve the goal.