
    However, culture is just an abstract word. It has to be embodied and symbolized by language, like Kramsch has pointed out. Culture cannot be separated from language and translation is like a bridge which combines the two of them.Many world-renowned translation theorists, including Eugene A. Nida, Susan Bassnett, Daniel Shaw, Larry A. Samovar and so on, have discussed that in depth the relations between culture and translation in their works. Although cultural translation has not become the mainstream in translation theories, it is emerging with a strong momentum, just like Bassnett has predicted.

    Both English and Chinese are full of colorful culture-specific idioms, and they are used widely in all kinds of works as well as in our daily life. Sinece they always contain various figures of speech and strong cultural flavors, it is extrmely hard for non-native speakers  t to understand , let alone to translate them faithfully and expressively into target language.

    2. Literature Review

    Due to different lexical characteristics, Chinese idioms can be classified in different ways. Usually, Chinese idioms can be pided into five categories: set phrase (chengyu), common saying (suyu or changyan), proverb (yanyu), two-part allegorical saying (xiehouyu) and vulgar expression (cusuyu).Set phrases are been known as these four features:dapper, straightaway and with vivid image. For example, “七 嘴 八 舌”(With seven mouths and eight tongues).Common sayings are popular and easy to understand, informal and used in colloquial occasion “桂林山水甲天下”(East or west,Guilin landscape is the best).Proverb,someone says there are three S which can be used to describe it ,that is shortness,sense,salt. “只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯” (While the magistrates were fre to burn down the house,the common people were forbidden even to light lamps).A two-part allegorical saying like a riddle, consists of two parts, the first half played like a riddle analogy role in the latter part of the mystery like a riddle, played a vivid description of the role of things . “刀子嘴 豆腐心——嘴硬心软”(Her bark is worse than her bite).Vulgar expressions are only used in colloquial speech, especially in cursing ,such as “孬种”(coward).This thesis will not focus on the last one since they are not very often used. 

    Chinese special culture makes it’s idioms quite different from English idioms which brings so many difficulties in translation. With five thousand years of civilization, Chinese idioms show how our country developing. So Chinese idioms have some specific characteristics. These characteristics are that idioms often contain aspects of speech with concise and comprehensive words and implied meaning; some of them do not follow conventional grammatical rules, or even wrong in logic; normally, no component word in an idiom can be changed.

    2.1 Culture-related Translation Theories

    The study of translation has been through a long time and more and more linguists believe that translation is not only transfer meaning but also the culture. Nida is famous for his functional equivalence in lexemes, syntax and discourse. He also pay attention to the culture effect on translation. It seems that no connection between these two aspects. But they are linked to each other all the time.源'自:优尔-'论.文'网"]www.youerw.com

    2.1.1 Nida’s View on Functional Equivalence

    Nida’s translation theroy is analyzed in the target language culture and the three types of relation between the source language culture and thought of the three relations is determined by the distance between the language and culture. Owing to this, he summed up two basic orientation of translation,which are equivalent formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. Formal equivalence foucus on two aspects of the form and content of information itself, and the corresponding is based on the “equivalent principle” dynamic equivalence. 

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