
    Nida’s theory of the principle of “focus on the dynamic equivalence theory.” He believes that there is no absolute equivalence between languages, translation must identify the different types of translation, to determine the different principle of reciprocity, according to the nature of information, the purpose of the author and the purpose of the translator, factors such as the type of audience, classify translation. According to the nature of the information, to determine the content and form of what is a major consideration in translation; According to the purpose of the author and the translator, determine the expected purpose of translation is to provide knowledge, cause emotional responses, or suggest a specific behavior. He wants the reader to fully understand and make translation to complete some imperative function. 

    To prevent misunderstanding, nida’s “functional equivalence” to replace the “dynamic equivalence”, he wants to emphasize the communicative function of translation, the replacement is not to deny previous “dynamic equivalence”. In fact “functional equivalence” and “dynamic equivalence” there is no substantial difference. Nida think that functional equivalence emphasizes the between language and culture can find translation equivalence, in the proper way to organize information form and the semantic structure and communication. Translation such as white as snow, if there is no the word “snow” in a language that has a “cream” (frost) word, “like a white cream” will be used to replace. Also can use synonymous metaphors such as “like a white mushroom” white as fungus to express, if not, can use a metaphor form very, very white, “white” to express. Author expects the readers read works, usually he would express only is a layer of meaning, rather than several layers of meaning.

    2.1.2 Nida’s View on Translation and Culture

    At present , we generally belived that we must translate a language into target one and  transfer culture from source culture to another at the same time. In the very first research of translation,Nida didn’t realize the importance of culture translation.But then he finded out that culture is a great factor in translating. He attaches more importance to the cultural factors in translating rather than the purely linguistic differences;the most serious problem in translation is not the method that we use , but wrong cultural assumptions. “For truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function” he said. 

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