
    Abstract Color is everywhere in our daily life. In the human language color words show unique charm and let people take notice. Color terms play an indispensable role in our life. Almost every language has color terms, in addition to referring to the color, they also stimulate association and imply social connotation. Associative meaning of color terms is a type of bonus or implied meaning cast by the specific national culture. Language is endowed with the function of carrying culture. Due to the different living habits, religious beliefs, geographical locations, cultural psychology and ways of thinking, the same color terms represent distinct social and cultural connotations in Chinese and Western languages. Therefore, in the promotion of cross-cultural communication, it is necessary to understand both similarities and differences in language and culture between China and the West. 56525

         This paper mainly compares the differences of color terms and analyses the causes for the differences between Chinese and Western culture through a lot of examples, so as to better the understanding of different cultures and promote cross-cultural communication.

    Key words: color terms; cultural differences; symbolic meaning; causes





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Contrast of Color Terms in Chinese and Western Cultures 2

    3.1 Definition of the Color Terms 2

    3.2 The Same Color with the Same Meaning 2

    3.3 The Same Color with Different Meanings 3

    3.4 Different Colors with the Same Meaning 4

    4. Differences in Symbolism of Color Terms 5

    4.1 Black 5

    4.2 Yellow 5

    4.3 Red 6

    4.4 White 6

    5. Reasons for Differences in Color Terms 7

    5.1 Religious Beliefs 7

    5.2 Living Environment 7

    5.3 History and Culture 8

    6. Conclusion 8

    Works Cited 10 

    1. Introduction

    Human beings have created different color terms to describe our lives. Color terms exist everywhere in our lives. But even the symbolic meanings expressed by the same color are differentiated from one another in various languages due to differences in geographical environment, economic development, religious beliefs, historical culture and living customs. All languages have words to identify particular colors, but there is usually a special subset of these words known as basic color terms. According to Kay and McDaniel (1978), the “primary colors”, i.e. “black, white, red, yellow, green and blue” are barely excluded from any investigator’s work. The six major color terms are people's perception of colors in the world. They are more significance than other colors. 

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