Abstract There is no doubt that vocabulary is the foundation of English learning. College time means that your English level should get to a higher point. It requires that students should have a mastery of more words than before. The improvement of reading comprehension and listening skills also requires lots of words to supplant them. There are many ways to learn words. This paper is based on the features of root and affix, It studies the application of root and affix theory in vocabulary teaching and some suggestions that is put forward, and it instructs us to focus on the learning and practical use in vocabulary.58364

Keywords:   college vocabulary teaching; root and affix; the method of memorizing




1. Introduction........1

2. Literature Review..........2

2.1 Memorization of root and affix.......................................................2

2.2 Domestic and overseas research.....4

3The strategy and Its Application.....5

3.1The strategy applied in reading........5

3.2The strategy applied in writing................6

3.3The strategy applied in vocabulary quantity....7

4Some Suggestions......................................................8

4.1 Introducing the new words with the familiar one...8

4.2 Summarizing the new one with the concrete one...............8

4.3 Keeping up with the time and adding new words constantly.....9

5 Conclusion......10

Works Cited...11

1. Introduction 

“Without pronunciation and grammar, man can still transfer some information, but without vocabulary, we can not deliver any message”(Wilkins 1972). One cannot say he has acquired a new language without grasping its vocabulary and use it freely. At present in college, several English tests are used as a mean to detect English vocabulary, thus requirements for vocabulary were put forward: CET-4(4000-4200), CET-6 (5500), PETS-5  (7500), TEM-4 (8000), TOEFL/IELTS (9000), TEM-8/GRE (9000-13000). From this list, we can learn that it is the most important and permanent thing to master the vocabulary in English learning as a foreign language. However, the current situation of the vocabulary teaching is far from satisfactory. A recent survey among 120 college students who do not major in English shows that more than 80 percent of them have never adopted any methods to memorize words, they just repeat words mechanically. While the rest adopt a variety of methods such as articulation, association, classifying, picture-assisting and so on, only three of whom refer to the imagination of the root and affix. And ten teachers are also involved in the survey; only one teacher says that she will use a lot of teaching strategies on vocabulary teaching.源[自-优尔*`论/文'网·www.youerw.com

The survey faithfully reflects the tendency that teaching strategies on vocabulary in college is awesome which deserve more attention and it is necessary for us to enrich it. The vocabulary insufficiency is one of the important factors that limit students’ English communicative ability. Problems that arise from English reading , listening , writing and oral speaking are also mainly caused by the deficiency in the vocabulary ability. The fact that language teaching has the trend of focusing on structure and form rather than vocabulary in the past decades, which has a negative effect on foreign language teaching. Therefore, students just learn words on their own that is not beneficial to the improvement of students in the language communicative competence. It is disappointing to admit the fact that most students just rely on the traditional way of vocabulary memorization, which means that they just repeat the new words again and again until they completely memorize them. In the end, they have no idea about how to use the word even though they can spell it correctly, not to mention other vocabulary proficiency.  So more research should be conducted on the vocabulary teaching so as to help college students to learn vocabulary efficiently and thus advocating their language communicative competence. The methods that will be introduced in detail are the imagination of memorization of the root and affix. 源[自-优尔*`论/文'网·www.youerw.com 

















