Abstract Translation of food product specifications has been an increasingly important way for the outside world to know Chinese food and culture. In spite of the advanced science and technology, today’s translation of food product specifications is in a mess. There are many mistakes in translations of Chinese food product specifications. This is harmful to our country’s international image and standing. So in this paper, the writer will analyze the typical mistakes in translations of food product specifications and do some research to think out some meaningful approaches to translate the food product specifications correctly according to the Skopostheory.58441

Key words: Skopostheory; Food product specification; Translation; Strategies

摘要 食品说明翻译近年来已成为外界了解中国食物和文化的一个越来越重要的方式。尽管科技和技术都十分发达,现今的食品翻译还是陷入一片混乱。中国食品说明翻译出现了很多低级错误,这对于我国的国际形象和地位无疑是一个重大的打击。因此,在这篇论文中,作者将会分析目前市场上典型的食品翻译行业的错误,并通过一系列研究,依据目的论发现和确定一些正确翻译食品的重要策略。

毕业论文关键词:目的论; 食品说明书; 翻译; 策略  

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background….....1

1.2 Rational of the study…1

1.3 Research objectives….1

1.4 Significance of the study….1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Skopostheory…...2

2.1.1 Katharina Reiss and her theory2

2.1.2 Hans J. Vermeer and his theory2

2.2 Other researches .3

3. Analysis of currrent problems in the translation of food product specification 4

3.1 Misuse of Pinyin 4

3.2 Spelling mistakes and gramatical mistakes 4

3.3 Chinglish….4

3.4 Mistakes caused by cultural difference..….4

4. Guiding signifcance of Skopostheory in translation of food product specification 5

4.1 Ampilication and Omission 5

4.2 Submitting to the Rule of Local Custom 6

4.3 Word Selection and Patterns transformation …7

5. Conclusion 8

Works cited 8

 1. Introduction 

1.1 Background

 As we know the culture of Chinese food has a long history. With the continuous development of reform and opening up, the advance of globalization and the deepening of foreign trade, China has an increasingly strong international position. The level of economic development is increasing fast, especially the development of Chinese food industry is increasing fast. The food exports make the Chinese culture come to the world, it is promoting China's economic development while promoting the country's cultural traditions. Therefore, translations of food product specifications have a direct impact on foreign consumers’ buying efforts. What’s more, it not only affects the business interests but also affects China's international image. So, how to translate the food product specification correctly is very important to our country.

1.2 Rational of the study

With the development of science and technology, our country plays an very important role in the stage of the world. Nowadays, there are many food product specifications with high quality on the market, they can help people know the products correctly and show the international image of china and the cultural accomplishment of the business. But there are also some food product specifications with low quality on the market, they caused great distress on china’s economic and china’s international image. So, Chinese companies should pay more attention to food product specification. They should make some rules or strategies for food companies to follow.

















