The Death of Tom Robinson due to the Social Prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird

Abstract To Kill a Mockingbird is one of Harper Lee’s (1926-2016) published works, which is also her masterpiece, makes her one of the representative novelists of the American south literature. She has two published novels, and the other one is Go Set a Watchman, which is published on July 14th, 2015. Go Set a Watchman is written before To Kill a Mockingbird, so it is widely regarded as the prequel of To Kill a Mockingbird. To Kill a Mockingbird is based on Harper Lee’s childhood life,which won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1961. In 2007, the President Medal of Freedom was given to her for the influence she has made on society. Since the novel has multiple layers of significance, it enjoys high popularity and receives acclaim as a sort of history of the American South. And what is more, in a poll by Literary Journal in 1999, the novel was selected as “Best novel of the century”. While surprisingly, it does not enjoy equal popularity in China.

There are two major events in this novel, which also make up the climax of the whole book. The protagonist is Scout Finch, whose observation and narration create the whole story with coherent and consistent language. Firstly, the reclusion of a mysterious neighbor, Arthur Boo Radley is the hidden theme that runs throughout the novel. While the unjust trial of a black man, Tom Robinson, is an apparent thread. They work together to present us a picture of the social background at that time. Human ugliness, selfishness, social ranks of hypocrisy, and racial discrimination are things that attacked in this novel. Meanwhile, it supports and sympathize the innocent, encourages the defense to justice, and praises the goodness and virtuousness of human nature.

The black man Tom in the novel is an honest and virtuous man, who always helps a white woman, Mayella. Mayella was born in a poor family. She is busy taking care of her little brothers and sisters. What is worse, she is abused and oppressed by her own father. That’s why she has desire for Tom. And the moment Mayella jumps on Tom, death becomes his destiny. Finally Tom died. His death reflects several manifestations of prejudice working together in American South. There are mainly three manifestations, i.e. racial prejudice, gender prejudice, and prejudice against the poor. So a study of the death of Tom Robinson will lead to a better understanding of the living conditions then and there. This thesis will analyze the death of Tom Robinson from the perspective of these three social prejudices.61292

Key Words: To Kill a Mockingbird; social prejudice against the poor; gender prejudice; racial prejudice


摘  要《杀死一只知更鸟》是哈珀·李(生于1926年4月28日)出版的两本小说其中的一本,正是这本小说,使得她成为了美国南方文学的代表小说家之一。她的一生共出版过两本小说,另外一本是《设立守望者》,于2015年7月14日出版,这本小说是哈珀·李在写《杀死一只知更鸟》之前就完成的,所以大部分人认为这是它的前传。《杀死一只知更鸟》是以她的童年生活为蓝本,并且在1961年获得普利策奖。接着,在2007年她又被授予了总统自由奖章。该小说因其多重意义,在西方国家人气很高,及受推崇,甚至在1999年的《文学杂志》评选中,被评为“世纪最佳小说"。然而,令人不可思议的是,在中国对该小说的研究却相对较少。


















