Abstract Translation research is about the comparative study on the language. By the way of comparison, we can find out the differences between the source language and the target language, which will provide theoretical foundation and thinking for translation researches or translation strategies. With the development of culture, translation plays an important role in literature field. This paper is aimed at taking advantage of domesticating and foreignizating translation strategies possibly on the comparative study of the three Chinese versions for The Gift of the Magi written by O. Henry. The author of this paper takes Wang Yongnian’s, Huang Yuanshen’s and Wang Ji and Kang Mingqiang’s Chinese versions as targets of study to analyze different vocabulary translation and sentence structure from the perspective of domestication and foreignization.The author of this paper will make the full use of the materials to analyze and clear up some cases in The Gift of the Magi. To some degree, it can help us develop English thinking way. What’s more, it is good for us to improve our translation.61494

Key words: domestication and foreignization; The Gift of the Magi; versions comparison




1. Introduction 1

1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Purpose of the Research 1

1.3 Research Methodology 2

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Introduction of Domestication and Foreignization 2

2.2 Relevant Studies on Domestication and Foreignization 4

3. A Brief Introduction to The Gift of the Magi and the Three Chinese Versions 6

3.1 Literary Translation 6

3.2 Introduction to The Gift of the Magi and the Three Chinese Versions 6

4. A Comparative Study on the Three Chinese Versions of The Gift of the Magi 7

4.1 Diction 8

4.2 Sentence Structure 14

5. Conclusion 17

Works Cited 18

1. Introduction

1.1 Research Background

With the rapid development of modern economy and culture, the relationship between China and the Western is closer and closer. And the communication between cultures is more and more widely. As a country with long history and deep culture, China is greatly attracted by Western culture. So as Chinese, we have a great desire to learn the new knowledge and culture of the western. The development of culture is the basic of economic construction and the foundation to promote comprehensive national power. What’s more, it is the bridge which connects the Western and China. By comparing the difference between translation strategies, we can know different translation theories as well. At the same time, it can make us master translation strategies to know the translation strategies and methods of different writers on the same works, which is good for us to solve the common problems in the translation. To some extent, it is a good way to cultivate our English thinking, moreover, to improve a better understanding of the foreign cultures.

















