Abstract Based on Darwin’s principle of “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest”, the eco-translatology led by Chinese scholar Hu Gengshen explores the philosophical theories and the feasibility of translation activities from the macro, meso and micro levels, providing a new perspective for translation studies. At present, many scholars have spared no efforts to introducing eco-translatology into the translation of ancient books, public signs, and film subtitles, but the application of eco-translatology in the translation of literary works, especially in essays is rarely seen. Hence, this thesis is designed to apply the eco-translatology theory to study the two Chinese versions (from Wang Zuoliang and He Xin) of Bacon’s Of Studies. Through detailed analysis on a number of examples, it is found that, in the process of translating, Wang and He have respectively adopted foreignization and domestication strategies to make selective adaptation from linguistic, cultural, and communicative dimensions. Moreover, by flexibly employing different specific translation skills such as literal translation, free translation, amplification and omission, the two translators have, to the greatest extent, restored the original ecology and produced two excellent versions. Besides, the technicality and practicability of translation have been achieved in the two versions. The thesis is expected to attract more academic attention to the application of eco-translatology in the essay translation. 61649

Key words: Of Studies; Eco-translatology; translation strategies;translation skills




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 An Overview on Eco-translatology 1

2.2 Previous Study on the Chinese Versions of Bacon’s Of Studies 3

3. A Comparative Study on the Two Chinese Versions of Of Studies from the Perspective of Eco-translatology 4

3.1 Transformation from Linguistic Dimension 5

3.2 Transformation from Cultural Dimension 8

3.3 Transformation from Communicative Dimension 11

4. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1. Introduction

Since the 1960s, human society has gradually shifted from industrial civilization to ecological civilization and nature protection has become an unavoidable topic of all mankind. Thereupon, countries began attaching great importance to the ecological environment problems, successively putting forward the principles and policies for the sustainable development of ecological environment. In the tide of the times, the “ecological” dimension has been introduced into many social science fields with no exception of translation, which has become an important manifestation of civilization transformation. In the light of eco-translatology, translation is a kind of translator’s behavior of adaptation and selection, dominated by the translator, based on the original text and aimed to realize cross-cultural information conversion (Hu Gengshen, 2009: 36). So far, eco-translatology has been applied into the translation of film subtitling, public signs, ancient books and so on; however, the application of eco-translatology in the translation of literary works, especially in the essays is rarely seen.

















