Abstract  With the development of the economics and the culture communication between China and the West,money has been attached much importance to people’s lives.And it has become a symbol of the wealth.However,with the progress of communicating between China and the West ,the attitudes to money between China and the West are different due to the culture difference ,which influence communication directly .The paper focus on the comparisons of money value and shows great importance on the methods of educating the kids in concepts of money value and how to develop money value for the children in China and the West,which aims to provide some suggestions for the cross-culture communication and its education in the   future.61659

Key words :culture difference;money;money value;values in education




1. Introduction..1

2. Literature Review.2

3. Differences of the Concepts on Money between China and the West..3

3.1 The Definition of the Money.4 

3.2The Concepts on Money in China...5

3.3The Concepts on Money in the West..6

3.4The Comparisons of the Concepts on Money between China        and the West.7

4.The Differences between China and the West about Developing the 

Children’s Concepts of Money..8

4.1 Developing the Children’s Concepts of Money in the West..9

4.2 Developing the Children’s Concepts of Money in China.10


Works Cited...12


   There is a famous saying that the money is a good servant and a bad master.There are two different types attitudes to the money which are doing the master of money or being a slave of money. The attitudes to the money is the basic attitudes to our lives. We both know that the money was born because of the needs of commodity exchange.With the high development of commodity economy, the money gradually become a symbol of wealth. So people put the money in the supreme position. If people can get the money, they think they can do everything. People exaggerate the role of money and advocate that the money makes the mare go at present.Marxism reveals the nature of money and historical roles scientifically.He regards money as the material wealth, which is human creation and serves for human.Humans should be the master of money rather than the slaves of money. People rely on their own abilities to create wealth and access to property.There are more important and precious things than the money in the word.However,because cultural context differences and culture differences, the views of money between the West and the East are different.The Chinese culture emphasize “the cultivation of one’s moral character,the running of one’s family,the administration of a state,the peace and security of the world.”(Ai Lin,2005) The languages reflect national characteristics because the languages not only contain nationality's histories and the cultural contexts. Languages and cultures influence each mutually.Understanding the languages must understand their cultures. Shakespeare once said the money can make the black into white, ugly into beautiful ,wrong into right, and distinguished into humble. Indeed, in the face of the money, some people lost their consciences and fell into the evil. Even power, status, chastity, reputation, human nature, dignity and justice, such as non commercial things are also evolved into items up for grabs.Because of different views of money concepts between the East and the West,the ways of developing the children on concepts on money are also different.These differences have big influences in their growths.Chinese parents should learn the western way of developing their children on concepts of money.源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















