2.Literature Review

    With the development and the depth of the economic lives,the money has become a hot topic which the society has to attach much importance to the problem now. And different cultural differences between China and the West make them treat money have  big difference. These differences are big questions,which how to change and affect our future and our personalities developments. And in the treatment of children's money education ,there is a difference between the West and the East .Chinese Family Education History is written by Zhao Zhongxin who is a professor in the university.Professor Zhao thinks because of the culture differences,the West and the East have a big difference in the regard of the education.However ,the author clarifies on the impact of depth and the influence of the concept of money to children. The Aims of Education Same Areas of Controversy written by Phierbaha Tom thinks that parents’ biggest false is they stand in their position and interfere childrens nature development. The author agree with his opinions. The style of American education written by Yang Ai Lin thinks that parents should cultivate the kids’ moral characters. From these books ,I know much about the differences about the West and the East. On this basis,I think we should educate the children to develop the correct money values.From these books,I actually know what is the real education. Issues in Economics Today written by Robert C,in this book ,who states the links between the economics and education,says that the economics have great influence in kids education.And the degree of the economics development reflects the degree of the education.In my opinions,I agree with his ideas.Because of the different degree development of the economics between the West and the East, their kids’ education shows great difference to the money.A Chinese Perspective on Teaching and Learning written by Betty C.Eng,It focus on the Chinese kids behaviors.The Report of Chinese Family Education written by Huang Xu and Educaton in Preschool Kids written bu Chen Heqin, From these books,we can analysis the reason of their actions.And what influence will be caused. It is very important and necessary to the paper. In the paper ,the author make some supplements on the basis of these books.文献综述

3.Differences of the Concepts on Money between China and the West

3.1 The Definition of the Money

   What is the money? What is the meaning of the money? Some people think that the money brings the greed.Some people think that it makes people have a better lives,and some people think it is just a medium .In my opinions,the money is just a way of consuming.However,because of culture differences,the definitions of the money are different In face of the complicated world, how to help their children set up a correct the view of money is very important. We should let the kids know it is just a way to communicate with others.

















