Abstract As one of the most prominent figures in the literary arena,Jane Austen’s feminism is throughout in every piece of work, and so does Northanger Abbey. Through analyzing the shackles of traditional education and marriage, in this thesis it expresses the women under the control of the male dominated society. In male-dominated society, women are deprived of the right to receive a formal education as men. The lacking of formal education contributes to women’s lacking of inner resources which results in women’s exploration of marriage market.The choice of marriage is Austen’s protestation against the inadequate male dominated society for the sake of women.Meanwhile, Isabella, Eleanor and Catherine will be analysis in this thesis. Isabella plays the conventional role in the novel, epitomizing women who are influenced by social convention and literary conventions to lose interiority and the freedom of self-definition for satisfying her need for being loved. Eleanor, a puppet in patriarchal society, epitomizes the ideal daughter figure in the novel. Catherine is highly praised by Jane Austin she is simple, candid and courageous. She loves reading and she has her own thoughts towards different situation. She embodies Austin’s value. It is this different character that arise people’s attention to women and the color of feminism.66083

Key words: Northanger Abbey; education; marriage; growth




1. Introduction.1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Breaking Shackles of Traditional Education and Marriage3

3.1 Women’s Deprived of Formal Education4

3.2 Women’s Money-Determined Marriage.5

3.3 Conventional Feminist Roles in Feminist Embryonic Stage.8

3.4 Qualified Female Model in Feminist Mature Stage.9


Works Cited13

1. Introduction 

Jane Austin was one of the most famous novelists in the romantic period and she is the first female English novelist of realism in the 19th century. The works such as Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, Emma and Northanger Abbey which are based the status of Jane Austin in the literary arena, 

Jane Austin was born in Steventon,Hampshire, she spent 25 years in this place. During this period, she had published her first novels: Pride and prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Northanger Abbey. Then after 25 years, Jane moved to Bath with her family and lived here for several years.

Jane received education in her home, she began to write in her early years and some of the works were written in her twenties. However, in the 18th century, women writers were not accepted by the society, luckily Jane was supported by her family members and helps her become a publisher.论文网

















