Abstract Jack London is a famous American writer at the beginning of the 20th century, who has enjoyed a high status now in American literature and even in the world. The Call of the Wild is one of his masterpieces, telling the story of a dog named Buck who is loved, trafficked, suffers a lot, and finally returns to the call of nature. The hero of this novel is an animal, but its main purpose is to write the humans. The author’s love for animals, his concern for the fate of animals and his praise mixed with compassion for animals are clearly shown in the novel. In The Call of the Wild, the relations between Thornton and Buck indicates that only when people get rid of all primate pride, and regard the animal as an inpidual subjectivity, can people and animals live friendly in harmony with nature.66084

Through the analysis of the relationship between human and animals in the novel, this article tries to arouse people’s awareness so as to realize the harmony between human being, nature and society. 

Key words: The Call of the Wild; human and animal; equal relationship;   harmony

 摘 要 杰克伦敦是20世纪初美国著名的作家,在现在美国文坛和世界文坛都享有崇高的地位。《野性的呼唤》是他的代表作之一,讲述了一只叫巴克的狗经历了被人宠爱,被人贩卖,历经磨难,最后回归自然的故事。在文中以动物为主人公,但其主要目的是以动物写人,可以看到作者对动物生命的热爱和对动物命运的关切以及字里行间所渗透出来的对动物既礼赞又悲悯的情感。《野性的呼唤》中桑顿和巴克的关系启示我们:只有当人摆脱万物灵长的自傲,把动物乃至整个自然作为一个有主体性的个体给于尊重,才能实现人与动物与自然的友好和谐相处。本文试图通过解读小说中人类与动物的关系,唤起人们在现实生活中更深的思考,从而实现人与自然与社会的和谐。





1. Introduction 1

2. The Man-centered Relationship Between Human Beings and Animals 2

2.1 The Tragedy Caused by People’s Selfishness, Greed and Indifference to Animals 2

2.2 A Plastic Love Because of Anthropocentric 4

3 The Equal and Harmonious Relationship Between Human Beings and Animals 5

3.1 Thornton’s Love for Buck 6

3.2 Buck’s Love for Thornton 7

4. Conclusion 8

Works Cited 10

1. Introduction

The Call of the Wild is one of the important masterpieces of Jack London. It is a story mainly about a strong and smart dog named Buck, coming back to the wild from the human civilization. Buck was a pet dog belonging to Miller judge, and then was trafficked into the frozen Alaskan by gardener. Under the environment of “the sticks beat and dogs teeth”, Buck quickly adapted itself to the harsh environment, becoming a superior sled dog, and having the adventure of arduous journey around the world following the Gold Rush. Buck changed master several times, and after being beaten frequently, he encountered John Thornton at last. Thornton gave Buck love unlike its previous masters, but unfortunately Thornton was brutally murdered by Indian savages. Buck angrily killed the Indians who killed Thornton, jumped into the wilderness being the leader of the wolves, and finally became a local king of the jungle. In The Call of the Wild, the relations between Thornton and Buck tells us that only when people get rid of all primate pride, and regard the animal as an inpidual subjectivity, can people and animals live friendly in harmony with nature. By comparison of the two kinds of relationship between humans and animals, this novel criticizes the unequal human-centered  survival rules, telling us in order to obtain the entire natural persistence, humans must go beyond the anthropocentric, control our unlimited expansion of the desire, get equal symbiosis with other animals, and go back to nature’s harmony between man and animals.来.自/优尔论|文-网www.youerw.com/

















