
毕业论文关键词  基督教   黑人   精神麻痹  奴隶制

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Christian's Mental Paralysis to the Black In Uncle Tom's Cabin


Uncle Tom’s Cabin is an anti-slavery novel written by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852. This novel intensified the conflict between the South and the North and propelled the breakout of Civil War in some way so as to have accelerated the success of Abolition Movement. Due to limited education degree, black people were only able to realize part of the meaning of the Bible , which was just those that the white people wanted them to know --- to be obedient. Gradually the slaves who believed in Christian were paralyzed in some way , which benefited the slave owners .This essay highlights Christian's mental paralysis to the black people in Uncle Tom's Cabin by analyzing Christian's influence on the character and fate of the people oppressed by slavery. 

Keywords   Christian  Black   Mental Paralysis  Slavery


Table of Contents

1  Introduction 1

1.1 Background 1

1.2 The Previous Study 1

1.3 Research Methodology.. 2

1.4Organization 2

2 American Slavery2 

3 The Black Slaves Living in Christian 3

4 Characters of Those Mentally Paralyzed Black People  6

5 Reasons that Christian Could Paralyze the Black People's Mentality 6

6 Liberating from The Mental Paralysis8

Conclusion 10



1 Introduction 


Uncle Tom’s Cabin is an anti-slavery novel written by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852. The book aroused so much antislavery feeling in the North that Abraham Lincoln said  to Mrs Stowe ," So you're the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war." Growing up in a Christian family , in which her father and five of her brothers were ministers . Mrs Stowe was influenced by Christian all her life. As a result, religious culture goes through the story and determines people's character and fate. In this novel, Mrs Stowe strongly advocated the inconsistency between the thought of indiscriminate love in Christian and slavery, which intensified the conflict between the South and the North and propelled the breakout of Civil War in some way . 

1.2 The Previous Study 

Due to the strong influence brought by the novel and the rich description of religious culture going through the whole novel, numerous researches over the religious culture in Uncle Tom's Cabin have been made and are mainly pided to two schools. As to Christian's impact on the shaping of the black slave's characters and their fate, one school expressed support. In their opinion," the image of Tom stands for integrity, uprightness and braveness, which sets a good example for other black people"(Zhang Xiaofei, 2007: 189). Above all, he teaches people to regard justice as the fundamental idea of Abolition Movement .But in the minds of those who hold negative attitude to Christian's impact on the shaping of the black slave's characters and their fate, religion is nothing but a tool used by the white slave owners to control their slaves. In a word , the black people's belief in Christian , which let them obedient, was also the fundamental reason that they lived a hard life"(Yang Kun, 2009: 33) because they tended to be taught to read Bible by white people due to their limit education. So what they learned was what the white slave owners wanted to tell them --- to be obedient. Li Chunlan (2012), who discussed the value of religion , thinks that slavers should struggle for freedom bravely instead of believing in God blindly. Since there is still no final conclusion, it is necessary to continue the discussion about this topic so that people can get a better understanding to the relationship between the black slaves and Christian. 

















