
毕业论文关键词  哈金    等待   汉语俗语特定符号移植

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   On the Language Features and Transplantation of Chinese Symbols in Ha Jin’s Novel Waiting


This paper is to study the language features and writing style of Chinese-American writer Ha Jin, taking his first awarded novel Waiting as an example. On the basis of a full study of the context, the paper analyses Ha Jin’s writing style as an ESL writer, illustrates his preference of short words and sentences, emphasizes his way to transplant words and phrases that have obvious Chinese characteristics from Chinese to English.

Keywords   Ha Jin   Waiting   Transplantation of Chinese Symbols


Table of Contents

1 Introduction 3

1.1 About Waiting3

1.2 The Previous Study of Ha Jin..4

2 Writing Style of Ha Jin..4

3 Transplantation of Typical Chinese Symbols in Waiting.5

3.1 Salutations...6

3.2 Proper Nouns.7

3.3 Curses7

3.4 Era-oriented Words8

3.5 Idioms9

Conclusion 11



1 Introduction

Ha Jin (formally called Ha Xuefei) is a contemporary Chinese American writer as well as a novelist. He was born in Liaoning, China in 1956, ten years before China’s Cultural Revolution. Ha Jin joined the People's Liberation Army during the Cultural Revolution at the age of fourteen and began to teach himself Chinese literature and high school curriculum at the age of sixteen. Three years later, he left the army to enter Heilongjiang University, majoring in English studies. After that he got a master’s degree in Anglo-American literature at Shandong University. Ha Jin migrated to the United States in 1986 to begin his doctoral work at Brandeis University. His early life in the chaos of early communist China and experiences during his five-year service in the Red Army contributed to his works which reflect China’s old appearances.

His novel Waiting won him the National Book Award in 1999, and the PEN/ Faulkner in 2000. He was also awarded the PEN/ Faulkner in 2005 for his work War Trash. He published A Free Life in 2007 and The Writer as Migrant in 2008. His new collection of short stories, A Good Fall, was published in November 2009. The most recent novel is Nanjing Requiem published in 2011.

1.1 About Waiting

Waiting is Ha Jin’s first novel in which the writer portrays the life of Lin Kong, a dedicated doctor torn by his love for two women: one who belongs to the New China of the Mao’s Cultural Revolution, the other to the ancient traditions of his family’s village. The novel is a reflection of China from 1960s to 1980s.

During the early 1960’s, Lin Kong is accepted to the Shenyang military medical college. Under heavy pressure, he obeys his parents and marries Shuyu while at school. After their marriage they have to live apart in the view of the fact that he works for a military hospital, where he fails in love with a nurse named Manna Wu. However, his wife refuses to sign the porce agreement every time they go to the court. Furthermore, affairs between military personnel are strictly forbidden at that time. After 18 years’ waiting, Lin Kong and Manna eventually get married. But Lin Kong finds out that his love for Manna Wu has all gone owing to trivial matters in their daily lives.

















