    摘要 近年来,随着科学技术的飞速发展、世界范围内文化交流的日渐频繁以及文化的开放性和包容性的日益增强,我们有更多的机会接触到世界各国的影视剧文化,实现世界范围内的资源共享。当今中国,越来越多的人喜爱海外影视剧,其中,美国的情景喜剧在年轻人群中尤其受到推崇,字幕翻译在传达美式幽默的过程中发挥着不可小觑的作用,因而对字幕翻译的质量要求也就越来越高。翻译在语言转换及文化传递中的纽带作用在情景喜剧的字幕翻译中得到了充分而典型的显现。翻译的完美程度直接影响着非母语观众的理解层次和观看感受。地道的翻译在掩去源语言文化的生涩的同时能够拉近与目标语受众的情感距离,使中国观众在观看美国情景喜剧时感受到与美国观众相同或近似的观赏乐趣。在世界范围内,各国的语言学家对翻译理论和翻译策略都做过大量的研究,中国学者也在翻译方法论上进行过大量细致深入的探索,但是,受限于各国文化背景的不同,以及各国人文化观念的差异,学者无法得出一条具有普遍使用性的翻译策略。
    《生活大爆炸》是近年来风靡全球的美国著名情景喜剧。机智幽默的人物对白由日常用语、双关语、习语等构成,常常博得观众喝彩。在剧中,对白幽默是在演员的表演及场景设置等因素下配合产生的,因而这给单纯的字幕翻译带来了极大的困难。由于单一的翻译方法论不具有普遍适用性,本文将综合关联论、功能论、等效论等翻译理论,通过对《生活大爆炸》中的典型案例进行分析,对不同翻译理论的实际运用进行对比研究。关键词  情景喜剧   美式幽默   字幕翻译   翻译理论9218
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  Subtitle Translation of American Humor in “the Big Bang Theory”    
    Thanks to the fast development of science and technology and the increasingly frequent communication of culture all over the world, in recent years, we are favored with much more opportunities than ever before to get touch with foreign movies and TV programs, realizing a global share of all kinds of resources. Among all these TV series, American sitcoms, especially, cater to the taste of Chinese young generation. Subtitle translation plays an undisregardable role in transmitting the typical American humor. In the process of subtitle translation, the crucial role of translation as a bond and bridge in language converting and culture transmitting is completely and typically revealed. A good translation covers the obscurity of the original language and shortens the emotional distance with the target audience, rendering the Chinese audience the same or similar joys as the American audience when watching sitcoms.
    The Big Bang Theory is a famous American sitcom. Consisting of puns, rhetorical devices and wordplay, the dialogues are witty and humorous. These distinctive linguistic phenomena make translation complicated and difficult. Although single translation theory is not universally adaptable, comprehensive use of different kinds of translation theories makes the translation more practical and flexible. This paper probes to discuss different translation strategies under guidance of different translation theories in order to make some contribution to bettering subtitle translation in the future.    
    Keywords   sitcom   American humor   subtitle translation   translation theory
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction1
    1.1 Research Background 1
    1.2 Methodology2
    2 Literature Review2
    2.1 Subtitle Translation2
    2.2 Study of Subtitle Translation at Home3
    2.3 Study of Subtitle Translation at Abroad5
    3 Translation Theories5
  1. 上一篇:旅游文本翻译的目的论分析
  2. 下一篇:跨文化交际下汉语四字成语英译研究
  1. 目的论三原则在美剧《生...

  2. 从中西方文化差异角度浅...

  3. 从合作原则角度看《生活...

  4. 从“信达雅”的角度分析淮扬菜菜名翻译

  5. 从“信达切”看淮扬菜名的翻译

  6. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》与《老...

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