5.1 Analysis of the results of the interview 9

5.2 Analysis of the results of the questionnaire 12

6. Conclusion 15

Works Cited 17

1. Introduction 

At present, the new basic education curriculum reform is being carried out vigorously in China, which is different from any previous curriculum reform. Its scope, intensity and impact are unparalleled. The new “English standard of Course” shows a variety of results of this reform, and the concept of “the student-orientation” and “the promotion of learning methods of experience, practice, participation, cooperation and exchange” have been identified as the most basic ideas of teaching. The teaching guided by these ideas not only concerns about how to teach, but also emphasizes how to learn, proposing that learning strategies and emotional factors are the determinants of success in learning. At modern time, employers require that the employees should be proficient in cooperating with others so that it could be guaranteed that all the members of the group could be unified to make more progress in promoting the development of the whole group. So the rule is agreed among the public and can also be applied to various social activities, especially teaching activities. Another important reason why teaching activities should be designed well is that the new revolution of English curriculum requires that English teachers should pay adequate attention to the motivation of students to learn this language. Besides, the most important change happening to the English teaching after the revolution is that teachers can try their best to improve the English proficiency of students and their competence to cooperate with others. In that case, the cooperative learning method is one of the best choices for English teachers because such a teaching method can help teachers to make sure of reaching those goals. Therefore, there have been large numbers of people who used to make researches about how to organize cooperative activities in classes to make sure that the efficiency of teaching activities could be improved. Some researchers analyzed the strategies to organize cooperative activities such as the research made by Li Zhaohui. Besides, there were also some other researchers who used to investigate the possibility of applying the cooperative learning activities to the classroom in universities, such as the research made by Li Jili. And, there were some other researchers such as Wu renying who used to investigate the communication among the students in the cooperative teaching activities and to analyze how such communication influence the efficiency of teaching and learning activities. It is obvious that there have already been many researchers who used to investigate the application of cooperative learning activities to various classroom, but the researches in which the application of cooperative leaning activities in English writing classes are still limited. That is exactly the major concern of this thesis. 

The purpose of this paper can be summarized as followed: at first, this paper is made to investigate how the cooperative learning method could influence the learning activities and English writing proficiency of the students. Secondly, this paper is determined to provide some useful suggestions for the teachers in charge of English writing classes. 

Since this research is made to investigate the influence of the cooperative leaning method on the English writing proficiency of students, it will be of great significance for readers: at first, in this thesis, the theoretical basis of cooperative learning is introduced in details and it will help readers to have a better understanding of the cooperative learning method. Secondly, a research and a questionnaire are used to collect some objective information about the influence of cooperative leaning method on students. This research method can provide some important enlightenment for other researchers on how to make empirical research about the influence of specific teaching method. Thirdly, some suggestions will be introduced in accordance with the results of the interview and the questionnaire. There is no doubt that suggestions could be useful enough since they are based on the empirical research about the influence of cooperative learning method on students’ writing proficiency in English. In short, this paper will put forward some important information about the application of the cooperative learning method to English writing classes so that the teachers are more likely to make progress in English teaching in writing classes. 来`自^优尔论*文-网www.youerw.com

















