A Brief Introduction to Creative Industry...2

2 A Model for the Development of Creative Urban Culture:London 4

2.1 Government Policy: Greater London Authority 4

2.2 Unique Advantages: Creative Business Enterprise Zone 4

2.3 Development Mode................4

3 Analysis of Shanghai and London creative culture development conditions 6

3.1 The Homology and Differentia 6

3.2 The Strength of Shanghai 7

3.3 The Weakness of Shanghai 7

4 The Development of Creative Culture in Shanghai 9

4.1 Basic Condition: Multi-culture Integration in Shanghai 9

4.2 The Defects of Creative Culture Construction in Shanghai 9

4.3 Creative Industries Task Force 11

5 Conclusion 12

5.1 Significance of Urban Cultural Construction...12

5.2 Creative Capital of the Future..13


1 Introduction

Culture plays an important role in promoting and supporting human development. Today, cultural form and economic form, is the two important fulcrum of scientific development, because culture is not only soft power, but also the scientific development of the hard support, but also the soft resources of urban development.

1.1 Urban Catalyst

In recent decades, with the rise of knowledge economy and network information society, information technology, the representative of the high-tech, gradually replace the traditional industrial power in the developed countries, becoming an important driving force for urban development. The city also changed from the product manufacturing centres to the service centres, information centres, business centres. In this trend, creative urban culture flourished in various international metropolises, and the development of creative urban culture has also led to urban progress. In London, for example, there are 68 million people working in creative industries in London. The creative economy accounts for 15% of London’s economy, making a significant contribution to London’s economic development and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of London’s multiple industries.论文网

1.2 The Concept of Modern Urban Culture

Usually the urban culture refers to the unique characteristics of the common ideas, values, basic beliefs, urban spirit, code of conduct and other spiritual wealth of the city master formed in the in the city's long-term development. It includes both the world outlook, outlook on life, values, development and other ideological part of the nature, and some Non-ideological parts such as science, technology, education, customs, language, and lifestyle. Urban culture, as the products of the city’s spirit, regulates people’s thinking, the impact on people is fundamental and long-term. Modern urban culture is a more positive outlook on life, world outlook and other ideology and education, customs and other non-ideology under the formation of new economy, new political and other environmental impact.

1.3 A Brief Introduction to Creative Industry

Since the British government formally put forward the concept of creative economy in 1998, the developed countries and regions have put forward the creative country or creative-based economic development model, and the development of creative industries has been mentioned in the developed countries or regions of the strategic level of development. At the same time, Western theorists have also set off a wave of research on creative economy. The UK defines the creative industry as an industry that creates wealth and employment potential based on personal creativity, skills and talent, and the use of intellectual property. Specifically, the UK's creative industries include advertising, architecture, art and antique market, handicrafts, design, fashion design, film, interactive entertainment software (video games), music, performance, publishing, software, television and radio industry. The British government is the first government to define the creative industry, and this definition is widely adopted by other countries. With the continuous development of society, its connotation extension is more and more broad. Related books, related links are more and more, and become a brand of aesthetic achievements.

















