毕业论文关键词:苔丝       传统       叛逆     女性zhuyi批评


Abstract I

摘   要 II

Chapter One     Introduction 2

1。1 Thomas Hardy and Tess of the D’Urbervilles 2

1。2 Literature Review 2

1。3 Introduction of Feminism Criticism 2

Chapter Two     The Woman with Tradition 2

2。1 Traditional Ideology of Chastity 2

2。2 Traditional Ideology of Love and Marriage 2

2。3 Traditional Family Ideology 2

Chapter Three    The Woman with Rebellion 2

3。1 Sex Consciousness 2

3。2 Rebellion Consciousness 2

3。3 Self-Consciousness 2

Chapter Four     The Woman with Tradition and Rebellion 2

4。1 Tess’s Transcendence on Characters 2

4。2 Tess’s Rebellion to the Ethics 2

4。3 Tess’s Revenge 2

4。4 A New Woman in the Bud ----The Woman with Tradition and Rebellion 2

Chapter Five     Conclusion 2

Bibliography 2

 A New Woman in the Bud--The Image of Tess with Tradition and Rebellion in Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Chapter One     Introduction

1。1 Thomas Hardy and Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), the greatest novelist and poet who lived between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century。 He created a number of female images, such as Elizabeth Jane, Tess and Sue。 The female images in novels changed three times, from traditional women to traditional and rebellious women to New women。 As his most outstanding female image, Tess was on the second stage from the traditional female to the transition of new women。 At that time, influenced by the capitalist industrial civilization, the society under patriarchy was facing disintegration。 The class contradictions became increasingly prominent, so as the traditional ethics, religion challenges, feminist movement。 

“Until the end of 19th century, the images of new women who broke the fetters of family and society, opposed the oppression of traditional patriarchy, began to appear in literary works” (He Ning 53)。 Hardy had also tried to express his refusal to Victorian values。 Tess was the fruit of his works in this era。文献综述

Tess of the D'Urbervilles was published in 1891。 This novel described the peasant girl Tess who wanted to support family encountered unfortunate tragedy。 Tess was the second attempt of the female image after the failure of exploration of new woman Eustacia in The Return of the Native。 Unlike Eustacia's rebellion, Tess was a woman with the dualism of tradition and rebellion。 She had some similarities in character with that of Hardy's traditional women。 She was beautiful, gentle, considerate, patient。 She was also strong, self-esteem, loyal to her feelings。 She was regarded as the true reflection of the women without inpiduality at the time。 Her tragedy not only caused people to think about the status of women, also promoted the progress of liberation of womens’ thoughts。 

















