This novel A Christmas memory tells a story of a little boy named Buddy。 In the first part, He and his elderly cousin Sook saved their pennies to bake 30 cakes and give them to people who had help them in the past year at the last Christmas in rural Alabama The story in the second part is about Buddy went to New Orleans to see his father。 His father liked to take his girlfriends to show off。 After being told that in this world there is no Santa Claus, he found that the gifts he was waiting for just bought and wrapped by his father not Santa。 He felt really disappointed, and came back to find Sook。 Sook comforted him and told him that Santa Claus exists in the world。 The last part describes a story between Buddy and another boy。 Buddy was always bullied by an older boy named Odd Henderson in his class。 Buddy hated him, but his friend Sook didn’t think so, she even invited him to their family's Thanksgiving gathering。 At the party, Buddy saw him steal Sook’s cameo, and publicly announced his behavior, but did not get adult's understanding what he expected of。 

The studies on Capote's works from domestic and foreign scholars have their distinguishing feature and inclination。 For foreign scholars, they tend toward the usability and readability of Capote's nonfiction works, and give a more specific analysis on his works。 In China, the studies lean on the analysis of thematic complex and cultural connotations。 For both of them, the studies on Capote’s works concentrate mainly on his classic works。文献综述

Bede Scott explored the quality of protagonist from the perspective of linguistic transparency in Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and pointed out that the linguistic transparency in this novel does help for the author to stress his supreme value, consciousness of freedom and mobility of non-meaning(128)。 In addition, from the angle of Capote himself, Peter Krämer gave a systemic analysis on the creation of protagonist(60)。 Pugh Tison explored the author and his literature through a cinematic lens, skillfully weaving the most relevant elements of Capote's biography, including his highly flamboyant public persona and his friendships and feuds with notable stars-with insightful critical analysis of the films, screenplays, and adaptations of his works that composed his fraught relationship with the Hollywood machine(107)。 What’s more, Peter Alan Lefevre tried to analyze Capote's In Cold Blood and concluded that Capote's work is better defined as a representative of the American Realist tradition。 Overall, we can draw a conclusion that most of those studies on Capote's works abroad focus on many perspectives such as linguistics, journalism, and film manufacturing, which will attach a realistic meaning to his works。 

In the domestic, Zhang Suzhen states that Capote's literary creation is a way for himself to look for light, warmth and love(40)。 Due to Capote's special life experience and the social environment, the protagonists in his works enable readers to learn more about the protagonists’ inside world and external environment, their contradictions and conflicts, or a kind of sad and fear by shaping a series of unique figures with a lonely temperament。 What’s more, Fu Pinjing considers that Capote wants to convey various thematic complex, life experience, self-awareness, consciousness, and existence via his works(28)。 Du Fang and Tang Li found the link between the philosophy of Freud's theory and the theme of search in the process of growth in Capote's nonfiction works。 They illuminates that the search in protagonist’s growth is a kind of spiritual seeking, and this kind of spiritual search can be explained by id, ego and superego(8)。 That is, man's primitive desires, self-control and conscious of moral sense。 The studies on Capote’s works in China mainly focus on the theme and the character’s complex in his works。来*自-优=尔,论:文+网

















