Abstract Politeness is a symbol of human civilization and the feature of all the civilized society。 With the development of time and society, within the scope of globalization, we need more and more deep communications between China and western world。 The study starts with the discussion of the different concepts in China and western world。 By summarize the development and history of etiquette in China and western world, the author emphasized the differences between two cultural systems。 And then, the author focuses on the causes of the differences between two cultural systems。 In this process, the author uses some techniques of contrast。 A great amount of materials are looked up to find out some useful information。 And then, the author, based on the study of etiquette history in China and western world, conducts a serious study which indicates that the reasons why etiquette is so different in China and western world mainly lies in two totally different cultural systems。72943
Key Words: Chinese and Western, etiquette, contrast
摘要 本论文通过分析中西方礼仪于定义与历史发展的差异,论述了由于价值观的不同而定义内容有较多差异这一事实。本文首先论述了中西方历史发展的差异。中华民族传承千年的文明,自古就是礼仪之邦。从夏商周的产生,到唐宋的兴盛,中国礼仪不断发展并逐渐形成体系。西方社会则是几大古代文明的继承者,在中世纪的黑暗之后迎来了文艺复兴,孕育了资本zhuyi和现代文明,产生了现代科技和文化。论述了中西方利益差异的产生原因。通过总结中西方礼仪的发展历程、经验及教训,作者从多方面重点论述了中西方礼仪差异较大的原因。通过这些研究作者认为,中西方的礼仪文化各有千秋,不存在谁优谁劣的问题。不同的是一种生活态度。借鉴西方礼仪,应当借鉴其内在灵魂,而不仅仅借鉴它的形式。只有取其精华,去其糟粕,把西方礼仪文化中优秀的灵魂的部分融入到自己的文化中,方能建立起本民族的民族自信心和自豪感。
1 Introduction。1
2 Different Concepts of Etiquette2
2。1 The Concept of Etiquette in Western Countries 2
2。2 The Concept of Etiquette in China。3
3 Differences in Communication between Chinese and Western Etiquette4
3。1 Social Differences between Chinese and Western Etiquette4
3。2 Business Differences between Chinese and Western Etiquette5
3。3 Table Manners Differences between Chinese and Western Etiquette6
4 Causes of Differences between Chinese and Western Etiquette8
4。1 Religious Culture8
4。2 Cultural Effect10
5 Conclusion11
1 Introduction
Politeness is a symbol of human civilization and the feature of all the civilized society。 With the development of society, we need more and more communications between China and western world。 During the progress of cultural exchange, it is essential to deepen understanding of each other’s etiquette culture。 It is an issue that cannot avoid。 Etiquette is an observable social phenomenon and also the specific cultural value reflected in reality。
Confucius said: a rude person cannot be a person in a real sense。 Since ancient times, China is a country which attaches importance to etiquette。 Etiquette is the basic evaluation of moral standards。 Although with the development of the times, parts of etiquette culture have been out of the stage of history, they gradually become the heritage which is only for watching, but the profound connotation of ancient Chinese civilization still show a strong vitality at present。 Nowadays, festive weddings, grief funerals, old men's birthday blessings and other traditional ceremonies contain the combination of the ancient culture and the culture of new era。 As an important part of Chinese traditional culture, etiquette civilization has a profound impact on the development of Chinese society。 Its content is very abundant。 Etiquette consists of a very wide range, almost penetrates deep into all aspects of society。 (周宝国,2006: 13-14)