摘要《麦克白》是莎士比亚最负盛名的作品之一,其中广泛应用隐喻技巧。传统隐喻研究 将隐喻视为修辞方式,但是随着认知语义学的兴起,出现了用认知隐喻理论来解读文学作 品及其翻译的趋势。74298
本研究选取了广为人知的朱生豪译本,通过仔细研读、分析要例、提炼隐喻等方式, 从认知隐喻角度来分析《麦克白》朱氏译本中隐喻的翻译。
研究发现,《麦克白》中总共有四种主要的认知隐喻,即:人体即容器、灵魂即容器、 罪恶或精神即物质、生命即财富。朱氏译本采用了三种翻译策略来再现原作中的隐喻:省 略翻译、保留翻译、转化保留翻译。本研究为分析莎士比亚其他作品中的隐喻及其翻译提 供了新视角。
毕业论文关键词 《麦克白》 认知隐喻 译本分析
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title A Cognitive Analysis of Zhu Shenghao’s Translation of Metaphors in Macbeth
Abstract Macbeth, as one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, employs a great number of metaphors。 Current studies used to analyze metaphors from the rhetorical perspective, but with the development of cognitive semantics, there appears a tendency that more and more literature works can be interpreted from the cognitive perspective。
The research selects the well-known Zhu Shenghao’s translation of Macbeth。 By comparing the cognitive metaphors in the original text and Zhu’s translation, the research tries to interpret Zhu’s translation of metaphors in Macbeth from the cognitive perspective。
Four major cognitive metaphors are identified in Macbeth, namely, “HUMAN BODY is CONTAINER”, “SOUL is CONTAINER”, “VILLAINY/SPIRIT is SUBSTANCE” and “LIFE
is PROPERTY”。 Zhu Shenghao uses three translation strategies to reproduce the cognitive metaphors in Macbeth: omitting cognitive metaphors, reserving cognitive metaphors totally and reserving cognitive metaphors while changing meaning of the verb。 The research provides a new perspective for interpreting cognitive metaphors and their translation in other Shakespeare’s works。
Keywords Macbeth cognitive metaphor translation analysis
本 科 毕 业 论 文 第 I 页
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1。1 Research Background 1
1。2 Significance of the Study 1
1。3 Structure of the Thesis 2
2 Literature Review 3
2。1 Research Object 3
2。2 Cognitive Metaphor 4
2。3 Current Research about Metaphors and Their Translation in Shakespeare's Tragedies 5
2。4 Summary 6