Chapter four expounds the “returning” of Robinson’s belief and the change of his life resulting from the returning of his belief combining with examples in the novel。文献综述

 Chapter five is the conclusion part for analysis result。 Major findings and limitation of the present study and also some suggestion for the further study are presented。

 2。 Literature Review

2。1 Researches of the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

2。1。1 Researches of the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe abroad

    After searching and classifying, the following six foreign theses will be introduced。 The introduction of researches abroad mainly from two parts: religion perspective and other perspectives。

    Due to historical and social factors, theses wrote by scholars abroad from religion perspective account for a large portion。 Ritchie and Daniel E analyze the relationship between Robinson and Puritanism (Ritchie & Daniel E, 1997)。 Seidel and Kevin Sterling combines an essay on the printing and distribution of the English Bible around the Atlantic with the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe to better understand the religious irony that Defoe uses to raise the status of his narrator (Seidel & Kevin Sterling, 2007)。 Stuart Sim explains the conflict between the pine providence and the inpidual will in the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by using the notion of moral corruption of Calvinism (Stuart Sim, 1990)。 J。 Paul Hunter thinks that the novel is based on a familiar Christian pattern of disobedience—punishment—deliverance。 These researches mainly focus on the doctrine of Christianity。 Also, in Ian Watt’s book The Rise of the Novel, there are many essays analyzing Robinson and his view of religion, like The Religion of Robinson Crusoe wrote by Jomes Moffat。

    Besides, some scholars study the novel from other angles。 Tiphanie Noel Stocks traces Defoe’s reform efforts by researching Defoe’s works including the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe。 (Tiphanie Noel Stocks, 2002) Cooper Sean writes the thesis to examine Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe in light of new insights in the fields of modern genre theory and cognitive science (Cooper Sean, 2008)。 From post-colonialism perspective, Kozaczka and Edward Jonathan explore the relationship between Crusoe's sexuality and his ability and willingness and inability and unwillingness to name things on the island。” (Kozaczka & Edward Jonathan, 2009)来*自~优|尔^论:文+网 +QQ752018766*

    According to the surveys of the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe researches as mentioned above, the conclusion is clear that scholars abroad focus more on the religious perspective than Chinese。

2。1。2 Domestic Researches of the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

    Among all works of Defoe’s, the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is the earliest novel to be introduced into China in 1898。 Since then, many Chinese critics have written about the novel from such different perspectives as colonialism and post-colonialism, image analysis, religion, ecocriticism etc。

    From the perspective of colonialism and post-colonialism, scholars mainly base on colonial theory and postcolonial theory。 Luo Shiping reveals the complex relationships between colonizers and aborigines, slave owners and slaves, center culture and marginal culture, civilization and savagery, Robinson and Friday through his researches (Luo Shiping, 2002)。 Liu Bingjie discusses colonial discourse of the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by applying Edward Wadie Said, Gayatri C。 Spivak and Homi K。 Bhabha’s postcolonial theory (Liu Bingjie, 2011)。

















