Abstract Francis Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most famous American novelists, is the mouthpiece of the Jazz age。 His representative work The Great Gatsby shows us a morally bankrupt society and summarizes the process of the evolvement of American dream。 The scholars at home and abroad have deeply explored meaningful topics of this novel, such as power, money and American dream。 The present paper intends to do a research on causes of disillusionment of Gatsby’s dream from three perspectives: the inpidual, class and society。 Through the analysis, we can see clearly that Gatsby’s contradictory character, class distinctions and the morally bankrupt society lead to the disillusionment of Gatsby’s dream75857

Key words: Fitzgerald; American dream; disillusionment




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Inpidual Tragedy 3

4。 Class Tragedy 5

5。 Social Tragedy 7

6。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction 

Francis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the most distinguished American writers in 1920s。 He was born in a poor family, so he struggled hardly to earn a rich life。 Then his ability for writing brought him fame and wealth。 But in the end he got into the habit of drinking and became bitter and violent。 His masterpiece The Great Gatsby to some extent is largely based on the author’s experiences, surroundings and his life。 However, it’s much more than a story to tell the realization of dream。 The theme of the work aims to reflect American dream through Gatsby’s dream。 His successes and failures represent achievement and disillusionment of American’s dream。论文网

2。 Literature Review 

The Great Gatsby published in 1925 is one of the famous literatures, and the representative work of American novels。 It is not only shows us the experiences of a dreamer but also reveals the social life and the American dream。 In the novel, American dream in some degree equals the Gatsby’s dream。 The writer uses the Gatsby’s dream to reflect American dream。 In other words, as the main character, Gatsby’s success and failure represent the success and failure of American dream。 When he is James Gates, he is poor and dreams of achieving success。 After he meets Daisy, this thought becomes more intense because he believes that success can gain love for him。 Then he spares no efforts to amass fortune even by illegal means, and uses his luxurious life style to lure Daisy。 But in the end, he dies ironically because of Daisy and no one attends his funeral。 What’s more tragic is that his dream girl has already abandoned him。 In fact, the tragedy of Gatsby implies disillusionment of the American dream。 Many critics have done various studies on this topic up to now。

At first, The Great Gatsby is generally considered as an autobiography of the author himself。 Many researches are relevant to Fitzgerald’s biography, and improve his status at the same time。 The first biography is likely The Far Side of Paradise: A Biography of F。 Scott Fitzgerald written by Arthur Mizener, which demonstrates the life and works of Fitzgerald clearly。 From then on, biographies appeared in western countries like the bamboo after rain。 We know more about Fitzgerald depending on those biographies, and people became better acquainted with The Great Gatsby。 Gradually, the status of The Great Gatsby has been established which contributes to the development of different critical perspectives used to analyze this novel。

















