The research of flipped classroom provides a new idea and a new way of English reading teaching of junior middle school。 The flipped classroom is a reversal of traditional teaching model, if it is applied to English reading instruction, the teaching methods of reading would be more abundant。 In addition, the concept of flipped classroom is consistent with the new curriculum reform。 To a certain extent, the requirement of the new curriculum standard to the reading class will be achieved。 It can also optimize and improve the problems which are exist in English reading instruction。 What’s more, this research will also provides practical experience for implementing flipped classroom in English reading instruction by analyzing its teaching procedures, teaching designs and implementation strategies。

     In this paper, the first chapter is a brief introduction of the research background and research significance。 The second chapter is a literature review, which analyzes the connotation and previous study of flipped classroom。 The third chapter is the main body of the paper, and it mainly introduces the application of flipped classroom in English reading instruction by analyzing a teaching case。 The last chapter is a conclusion, which sums up the advantages and feasibility of flipped classroom and puts forward the prospects in the future。论文网

2。 Literature Review

     As we know reading is a communication process based on readers, so teachers should try their best to arose students’ enthusiasm of reading。 Student-centered language teaching must be built on the basis of understanding the students' foreign language learning level, cognitive style, emotional motivation and so on。(Zhao Jiangyong, The cultivation of inpidual English reading ability, 2008)。 It objectively requires that the subject of English must realize the inpidualized teaching。 Most English teachers think that it is very difficult to realize inpidualized reading teaching under the traditional teaching method。 However, the flipped classroom is helpful for English teachers to broaden the ideas to solve the problem。 It requires students to carry out the teaching materials before the class and accept the guidance of teachers in the class。 Students can use personalized means to learn by themselves during the learning process。 At the same time, the teacher’s role has transferred from teaching language to a designer and guide in the students’ autonomous learning。 The model of ‘learning before teaching’ in reading teaching can achieve an equal English education and improve students’ language communicative abilities。 It is important for some students with lower levels of English learning ability to be guided to carry out autonomous language learning by some means of teaching aid by their teachers before class。 Not only can help them to reduce the difficulty of English learning, but also can make them feel confident when they enter the English class。 In addition, due to the movement of language knowledge learning, teachers can use more class time to fully stimulate students' language thinking and promote their language communication, then help students realize the internalization of language knowledge and the purpose of mastering language use ability in order to lay foundation for the implementation of effective inpidualized reading teaching。

2。1 The definition of flipped classroom 

  The ‘Flipped Classroom’ is a term which is translated from “Flipped Classroom model’。 It is a kind of learning model which let students carry out a variety of curriculum by the Internet, the PPT, video or other learning resources, usually at home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class with teacher offering more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing。 This is also known as backwards classroom, reverse instruction。 The traditional pattern of teaching has been to assign students to read textbooks and work on problem sets outside school, while listening to lectures and taking test in class。 In flip teaching, the students first study the topic by themselves, typically using video lessons prepared by the teacher。 In class students apply the knowledge by solving problems and doing practical work。 The teacher tutors the students when they become stuck, rather than imparting the initial lesson in person。 Complementary techniques include differentiated instruction and project-based learning。 Flipped classrooms free class time for hands-on work。 Students learn by doing and asking questions。 Students can also help each other, a process that benefits both the advanced and less advanced learners。

















