To analyze this story, many factors are to be concerned。 First of all, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s family background had large influence on this works to some extent。 What’s more, the social events that happened at the time of his writing also had something to do with his work。 After what he had experienced and learned, the master piece of him thus was published under a significant theme--Feminism in 1950。The details would be analyzed in Chapter One of this thesis。 And the next chapter would be talking about the history and the development Feminism。

    Before The Scarlet Letter was totally published when Hawthorne delivered the final pages to his publisher James Tomas Fields in February 1850, Hawthorne said that "some portions of the book are powerfully written" but doubted it would be popular。 In fact, the book was an instant best-seller。 The first mechanized printing of The Scarlet Letter 2,500 volumes, sold out within ten days。 The author set the background of the story at the Colonial period of America。 He shaped the heroine Hester Prynne as a woman who violated the original sin--adultery。 While reading this book, readers could obviously feel that the book is not to denounce Hester about her guilt, but, on the opposite , is to extol her courage of taking responsibility of her sin。 The writer shaped Hester as a representative of feminism。 Through her, he aimed at conveying his support towards women liberation。 So, in Chapter Three, I would focus on the Feminism spirit shown by Hester by analyzing her different roles。 From this book of Hawthorne, the following points can be drawn from a feminism prospective。 First of all, women should have the right to receive education not only about how to be a good wife or mother。 The right to receive education has always been a major issue of feminism。 And this can be seen through Hester’s education attitude toward her daughter--Pearl。 The second point was the right of free love。 Hester’s betrayal to her husband Roger Chillingworth and her brave love for Arthur Dimmesdale was pursuit of love。 Thirdly, the right of living。 As a women, Hester did not survive by relying on men or anybody else。 Instead, she made a living on her own with her outstanding handcraft。 This showed that a women should be given the right to get a job and live on her own。 The last point I want to mention is the right for discourse。 At that time, women’s words never count。 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766- But Hester dared to revolt the Puritan, speak out her thoughts and strive for women right of discourse。 This was also a step of fighting for political status。 Only when women’s voice was heard , the rights of women could be guaranteed(伊格尔顿,1989)

    In the last chapter, the thesis would be talking about the symbolism of the scarlet letter “A”。 From the transformation of people’s attitude towards Hester, readers can see that the scarlet letter--”A” on Hester’ chest was no longer a symbol of “ Adultery”, but of  “an angel”。 And the focus would be on what did Hester did that changed the “A” as well as the feminism of her action。

















