3。1 Politeness principle

In the 1980s, after the cooperation principles, Leech in his “Principles of Pragmatic” puts forward the politeness principle (Leech 122)。 Politeness principle as a means guides people to carry on smooth and polite communication。 In verbal communication, people, in fact, influence the people by means of conveying information to realize the interaction between two sides。 Besides cooperative principle, it is necessary for both parties to respect each other and keep friendly relations in the process of communication。 This requires that people should comply with the norms of social politeness in verbal communication。 Politeness principle is the perfection and supplement to the cooperative principle。 These social politeness norms are the content of politeness principle。 Leech’s politeness principle includes the following six criteria。 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

(1) Tact Maxim: to minimize the cost of others or to maximize the benefits to others。 For example, when you receive emails from the other party, you find some mistakes unimportant。 If you point out these mistakes to the other part, it’s not tactful。 (2) Generosity Maxim: to minimize the benefits of their own or to maximize their own pay。 For example, if the other party says some words unpleasant to you, you pretend not to hear them。 It means you are generous。 (3) Approbation Maxim: to narrow the criticism of others or to try to praise others。 For example, in any conditions, we should praise others more, even others do something not up to you demand。 (4) Modesty Maxim: to narrow others’ praise or to try to expand their criticism。 For example, if the interviewer asks you about your experience of failures, you say you never failed。 You violate the Modesty Maxim。 (5) Agreement Maxim, to narrow the different views with others or to try to exaggerate the same views with others。 For example: when your colleague expresses his opinions, you can’t say this opinion is bad。 Maybe you can change the way。 (6) Sympathy Maxim, to narrow the disgust of others or to try to exaggerate their own compassion for others。 For example: when your clients suffer a lot, you can’t look down upon others。 What you should do is to give your sincere advice。

















