As a newly established theory, Eco-translatology is an ecological approach to the translation studies or translation studies from the perspective of ecology (Hu 11)。 The theory has the theoretical foundation in Darwin's “natural selection” and “the survival of the fittest”。 Integrated ecology and translatology, this interdisciplinary theory can be understood as an ecological approach to translation studies or translation studies from an ecological perspective (Hu 26)。 “Translation as Eco-balance”, “Translation as Textual Transplants” and “Translation as Adaptation and Selection” constitute its core concepts and “three dimension” is its principle。

In recent years, Eco-translatology has aroused scholars’ interests and various studies in this field have been carried out by many celebrated scholars from different countries。 

Liu Yunhong and Xu Jun propose that Eco-translatology puts translation in the “translation eco-environment”, offering a new insightful perspective to translation studies (Liu and Xu 40)。

Cay Dollerup, a consultant of International Association for Eco-translatology Research, a senior lecture at the Department of English University of Copenhagen and former editor of Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, holds that Eco-translatology is the first translation theory which is independent of European context that has actual meaning of originality (Jiang, Song and Meng 34)。

Hu Gengshen complains that it has been formed a series of terms and conceptions from the view of translational Ecology, such as “translators’ selection”, “the survival of the fittest”, “symbiotic interaction”, etc。, together with ongoing theoretical and applied research and accumulated results, which finally lead to the composition of Eco-translatology in 2003。 According to the theory, in translation process, a translator should own a high degree of holistic adaptation and selection, which can be further transformed in at least three dimensions (linguistic, cultural and communicational dimensions) in order to grant the version a degree of multi-dimensional transformation (Hu 15)。文献综述

Eco-translatology has been applied in studies on literary translation, philosophy translation, applied translation, translation teaching, verbal translation and network translation, which enriches people’s understandings of Eco-translatology and manifests its vitality in application。

Generally regarded as an entirely new theory, this theory is minimally associated with film title translation。 Therefore, this essay analyzes English film title translation from the respective of “three dimensions” of Eco-translatology and offers new translation methods and explanations to film title translation。

3。 Three-dimensional Transformation of Eco-translatology

3。1 A brief introduction to Eco-translatology

In 1962, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring warned people to consider about the relationship between nature and human beings。 Chinese government began to concern about ecological problems and gave impetus to a serious of strategies such as sustainable development and scientific outlook on development。 Against this background, Eco-translatology comes into being in response to the time。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766-

Eco-translatology, as a newly born theory, was established by Professor Hu Gengshen, who is the first to introduce “Translation as Adaption and Selection” in 2001。 On this foundation, he constructs and develops the Eco-translatology that focuses on translatology in an integrated perspective of ecology。 In 2004, Professor Hu published the book An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection。 In this book, he expounds in detail the theoretical foundation about the essence, the principle, the process and the standard of Eco-translatology。

















