Times Great Common Little

Results 57。89% 30。21% 11。9%

Table5: Do you often develop good habits in the process of English reading?

Times Always Often Sometimes

Results 23。87% 63。15% 12。98%

According to the results of the survey, it can be drawn that 61。33% of students hold the opinion that their interest in English reading has improved after the implementation of the curriculum standard。 8。66% of students think the implementation of the curriculum standard has little influence on their interest。 58。63% of the students think vocabulary is the biggest obstacle of reading, so they think that the amount of vocabulay has a great influence on reading。 The results of the survey also show 95。94% of students think their teachers’ teaching views has changed and 89。48% of students think the teaching models also has changed。 Most of the students think English class is beneficial for improving English。 57。89% of students think their reading methods which are taught and indirected by teachers have changed greatly after the implementation of the curriculum standard while 11。9% of students hold the opposite opinions。 The main causes of influencing students’ interest are teachers’ effect, course content or equipment and environment in the class。 63。15% of students often develop good habits in the process of reading。 Students think good teachers should be kind, humor, and have solid professional knowledge of English。 Students are eager for a relaxed and lively English lesson。 Extracurricular English activities will arouse students' learning interest。 文献综述

4。 Results and Discussion   

4。1 Teaching model of reading class

The results of the survey also show 89。48% of students think their teachers’ teaching models has changed after the implementation of the curriculum standard。 In the past, English reading class mainly focused on teaching materials and teachers。 In reading teaching, teachers paid attention to impart the knowledge in the textbooks。 At the same time students passively accept content which the taught by teachers, with writing down listening notes (Brown 112)。 10。52% of students think their teachers’ teaching models has little changes。 Among lots of ways of teaching English, teachers mainly choose the simple way of just answering questions, which is lack of the overall understanding of reading materials and is limited to the surface of reading materials。 So, it is difficult to improve students' ability of reading comprehension。

     However the new curriculum standard requires that reading teaching is not only to acquire some knowledge of the language but also to obtain useful information from it, and master some reading skills。Reading is a way of understanding and absorbing information。

4。2 Teaching behavior in reading class

On one hand, teaching content is often monotonous。 The results of the survey show 95。94% of students think their teachers’ teaching behavior has changed after the implementation of the curriculum standard。 Teachers seldom recommend good reading materials which in suitable for students (Luo 39)。 As a consequence, in the process of learning English, students can only read reading exercises, in addition to the contents contained in the textbook。 Even if the students want to take the initiative to read some new English article, without useful guidelines, they can not choose the reading materials efficiently。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















