    摘 要艾丽丝•沃克,美国著名的黑人女作家。其长篇小说《紫色》于1983年一举拿下了代表美国文学最高荣誉的普利策奖和全国书评家协会奖。小说讲述了主人公西丽在男权社会奴役下的悲惨遭遇以及她最终摆脱了男性思想对自己的压迫,从而取得人格独立的血泪历程。
    Abstract Alice Walker is a famous American feminist writer. Like most black writers, her novel—The Color Purple, contains thoughts of eco-feminism. The Color Purple won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction. The novel tells Celie’s suffering under patriarchal oppression and slavery, and the difficult process of her obtaining independence finally.
    This thesis analyzes Alice Walker’s eco-feminist thoughts. Through Celie’s words, the author describes the opposition between men and women, human and nature in patriarchal society. However, Celie doesn’t submit to this reality. After experiencing the double oppressions of racism and sexism and getting the endless help from her friends, Celie at last achieves her self-awakening and independence. Through a self-awakening process, finally, as a new image of self-improvement, Celie confidently stands before Mr. X. The natural relationship between women and nature indicates interdependence interact way of human and nature, male and female, which is the core of eco-feminism. The thesis aims to present the new thoughts of eco-feminism and the importance of an equal, harmonious society.
    Key words: Alice walker; The Color Purple; eco-feminism   
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ.The Production of Eco-feminism    3
    Ⅲ. The Relationship Between Women and Nature in The Color Purple    5
    2.1 Women and Nature: Both Victims    5
    2.2 Intimate Relationship Between Nature and Women    7
    2.3 Human Live in Harmony with Nature    8
    Ⅳ. The Zigzag Process of Celie’s Self-awakening    9
    3.1 The Loss of Celie’s Self-recognition    9
    3.2 The Self-awakening of Celie    9
    3.3 The Emancipation of Celie    12
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgments    16 An Eco-feministic Interpretation of The Color Purple
    Ⅰ. Introduction
        Feminism is a political, cultural and economic movement, which aims at establishing equal rights and legal protection for women, whom always are treated as an accessory of men. In The Color Purple, Alice Walker sees the traditional feminism from another angle—eco-feminism.
    Alice walker was born in a sharecropper’s family in Eatonton, Georgia. Her family is mixed race of Cherokee, Scottish and Irish. Because of growing up with an oral tradition and the influence of her grandfather’s habit—told stories, Walker wrote privately since she was eight. In 1952, Walker was accidentally wounded in the eye by a shot by one of her brothers. For lacking of good medical condition, that eye was permanently blind. Once: Poems (1968), a book about her travels in Africa and about her native Georgia embroiled in the struggle for civil rights starts Alice Walker’s literary career. Her collections of stories include In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973) and You Can’t Keep a Good Women Down: Stories (1983) and Living the World (1988).
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