    关键词:汉语叠词;翻译策略; 翻译技巧
    Abstract Reduplicated words are found among the large stock of Chinese compound words. With their unique distinctions in sound, form and meaning, reduplicated words are actively used in the Chinese language. The reduplicated words have high importance for the aesthetic values and can make the language more expressive. Reduplication is used to achieve its finest effects and express people various emotions. Chinese language has a very long and remarkable history to use reduplicated words, and there are numerous reduplicated words in famous poems and passage that make it more melodious and charming. It is necessary to put forward some favorable translation strategies of dealing with the translation of reduplicated words into English. In this way, reduplicated words in classical Chinese poetry can be appropriately translated without damaging to the original style and flavor.
    Key words: Chinese reduplicated words; translation strategies; translation skills
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. A Brief Study of Chinese and English Reduplicated Words    2
     2. 1 The Definition and Classification of Chinese Reduplicated Words    2
     2. 2 The Function of Chinese Reduplicated Word    3
      2. 2. 1 The Beauty of Rhythm    3
      2. 2. 2 The Beauty of Image    4
      2. 2. 3 The Beauty of Rhetoric    5
     2.3 The Definition and Classification of English Reduplicated Words    5
    III. The Strategies to Translate Chinese Reduplicated Words into English    7
     3. 1 The Strategies to Realize the Equivalence in the Effect    7
      3.1.1The use of repetition    7
      3.1.2 The Use of Alliteration    8
      3.1.3 The Use of Onomatopoeia    9
     3. 2 The Strategies to Realize the Equivalence in the Meaning    9
      3.2.1. The Use of “Every, Every-, Each, All, etc”    10
      3.2.2 The Use of Preposition (such as after, in, to, upon, with) combined with "And"      10                                     10                   10
      3.2.3 The Use of Plural Form    11
      3. 2.4 The Use of “Have (Give or Take, etc)+a+Noun” Structure    11
      3.2.5 The Use of Idiom    12
     3. 3 The Strategies to Maintain Other Equivalences    13
      3.3.1 The Strategies to Use Free Translation    13
      3.3.2 The strategies to Use Literal Translation.    14
    IV. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowlegements    17The Translation of Chinese Reduplicated Words
    I. Introduction  
        It is commonly believed that reduplicated words represent beauty of language in rhythm, image and expression. As a matter of fact, there are many reduplicated words in Chinese, such as in the poetry, art and novels, even in people’s daily life. With the wide range of communication between the east and the west, it is necessary to solve the problem of translating reduplicated words. Reduplicated words are limited in the English in some aspects. As a result, it is necessary to put forward some useful translation skills to study the distinctions between Chinese and English reduplicated words. Different forms of Chinese reduplicated words can give various aesthetic effects. It must be applied with some translation skills, for instance, literal translation and free translation. Let’s take a book of Chen Hongwei, Chinese-English Translation for example, it makes a comparative analysis between Chinese and English reduplicated words. Reduplicated words are common phenomena in Chinese language, which contributes a lot to translate traditional Chinese poems to west countries and bridge the gap between the east and the west. In some circumstances, the core spirits and aesthetic feelings can’t be effectively conveyed to English-speaking readers. This paper first gives a general introduction about reduplicated words, discusses the classifications and functions of duplicated words in Chinese words and presents some successful translation aesthetics. The translation of Chinese reduplicated words is involved in some different aspects, which includes how to distinguish English reduplicated words and how to use translation skills. It is important to have a better understanding of the basic concepts on Chinese reduplicated words. And it is significant to find out the standards of a good translation in the sense of translation aesthetics. The translation of reduplicated words will help foreigners to understand the old Chinese poetry and ancient language.
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