Abstract Thomas Hardy was a famous Englishnovelist and poet。 One of Hardy's characteristics of writing style was the detailed description of characters and environment。 He was highly critical of beliefs and social issuesin Victorian society, especially on the declining status of rural people in Britain。He challenged the old concepts and customs。When his novel Tess of the d'Urbervilleswas first published, it received mixed reviews, partly because the novel challenged the morals of late Victorian England。 The novel revealed the social reality in that era。 What Hardy concerned was not only the nature, butalsohumanism。 He was not satisfied with only telling a story that happened at that time。 He wanted to show people what was the root of the situation, and what could people do。 74094

Realistic principle is one of the basic arts of writing, focusing on truthfully reflect the real life。In his novel, Hardy described people’s life exactlyaccording to the original style of life, and strived to truly reproduce the typical people in a typical environment。The characters created by Hardy were all vivid。 They reflected the hearts of people and the truth of society。 They were the epitome of that timebecause of Hardy's realistic writing styles。This thesis is mainly trying to analyze Hardy's realistic principle by analyzing the three main characters in Tess of the D'Urbervilles。The first one is the heroine Tess D’Urbervilles: she is a beautiful and kind woman with a little vanity, and she reflects the vulnerable and helpless ones among common people: women and peasants。 The second one is Angel Clare, he is the representative of knowledge and wisdom, and he is the man Tess loves, but even such a perfect man in Tess’s eyes is bounded by the traditional moralities。 The last one is Alec D’Urbervilles。 He is the epitome of the bourgeoisie of the Victoria。 He took common people and women as his toys, and destroyed the lives of Tess and Angel, and even his own life。

On the basis of introducing Thomas Hardy and the formation of realistic principles, this thesis writes how Hardy portrayed the characters in the novel。 As a realistic writer, Hardy used a rather delicate stroke and literary words to tell the realistic story。 Hardy revealed the social realities through his own works。 

Key Words:Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, characters, realistic principle 



















