Abstract Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises, the masterpiece to describe the “Lost Generation”。 The novel reflects their living dilemma and mental anguish after the World War I。 The character’s mental activity of the novel reflects the aspirations of the lost youth。 However, they are not really lost, they struggle in despair to find a way out and in pursuit of perfection to achieve their values。 The Sun Also Rises shows us that era had a unique personality and ideas of the young generation。 It showed their changes of the era background and social reality of self which really affect us a lot。 They were created by the era, and they also created the other side of the era, their experience of the so-called alternative life find the mental and emotional exports, they stand up from the pain the history to bring them, they walk to a new life and hope。 This is the true meaning of the awakening of the“Lost Generation”。80954

Key words: the lost generation; awaken; philosophy of life; realistic meaning 


毕业论文关键词:    迷惘的一代; 觉醒; 人生哲学; 现实意义


1。 Introduction 1

2。Literature Review 2

3。 Exploration of the Meaningless World 3

3。1 The background of the lost era 3

3。2 The representative characters of the “Lost Generation” 4

4。 Exploration of the Spiritual Home 6

5。Conclusion 9

Works Cited 10

1。 Introduction

     Nowadays more and more young people, who were born in 1990s, are living rotten just for spiritual enjoyment and material pursuit。 They have no strict disciplines to strain their behavior。 These remind the author of a term, the lost generation。 It seems that the 90s is the rebirth of the lost generation。 This arose the author’s interest in the lost generation and curiosity about how their thought, world value, lifestyle are。 After searching some material about that generation, the author notices that the short novel, The Sun Also Rises, is the irreplaceable work in that period and it has owned an important position from then。 Besides, it is Hemingway’s first important novel and it is also the most representative work in lost generation, which paints a lively picture of the whole generation。 It is well known that the lost generation has emerged soon after World War I and widespreaded the whole west countries quickly。 It’s deep and wide thought influences the young generation in that period, especially, the young English and American expatriates who involve in the war。 They cut off from the old values and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when the civilization has gone mad。 Since then the people have been accompanied by these thoughts。 So to know it deeply and clearly is very useful for us。 This thesis focuses on the features of the lost generation through The Sun Also Rises。 By analyzing the main characters in the work, such as Jake Barnes, Micheal Campbell, Brett Ashley and so on, who embody the general features of the lost generation, readers can notice the motif of this paper。 That is the characteristics of the lost generation, mainly including identity of exile, hatred towards war and its wound, desperation of love, lost of beliefs and morality, excluding of outsider as well as the positive ones, like sincerity in friends, searching for pillars in life and also the change from escaping to confronting the reality。 In them the images of the lost generation can be analyzed much clearly。文献综述

















