

Abstract Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, written by Amy Chua, a professor of law at Yale Law School, a second-generation Chinese American, is a semi-autobiography on the base of her experience of raising her two daughters。 It caused a huge controversy in Chinese and American education circles。 In view of the importance of the family education, as well as its different expression in different cultures, the article tries to analyze both the source of the debate and different beliefs of family education from the perspective of cultural values。 The article aims at using comparative method to research the differences of family education concepts between China and America, and finds the method of family education which is more appropriate to children so as to complement each other’s advantages in family education。

Key words: family education; cultural values; the differences


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Differences of Family Education Between China and America 2

2。1 Different Purposes of Family Education 2

2。1。1 Purposes of Chinese Family Education 3

2。1。2 Purposes of American Family Education 4

2。2 Different Contents of Family Education 6

2。2。1 Contents of Chinese Family Education 7

2。2。2 Contents of American Family Education 8

2。3 Different Methods of Family Education 9

2。3。1 Excessive Protection and Authority 9

2。3。2 Trust and Respect 10

III。 Causes of Differences in Family Education 11

3。1 Collectivism Versus Inpidualism 11

3。2 Different Ideas about Success 12

3。3 Different Family Values 13

IV。 Suggestions on Family Education 14

4。1 Knowledge Versus Practice 15

4。2 Authority Versus Respect 15

V。 Conclusion 16

Bibliography 18

Acknowledgements 19

On the Differences of Family Education Between China and America from Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

I。 Introduction

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, published by Penguin Group in 2011, has caused a huge a sensation in America, even in the world。 Written by Amy Chua, a professor of law at Yale Law School, a second-generation Chinese American, the book is a semi-autobiography on the base of her experience of raising her two daughters。 In the book, Amy Chua called herself “tiger mother” because she was born in the year of tiger according to China’s lunar calendar and she raised her daughters in a Chinese traditional way of extremely strict teaching。 She demands her daughters to get the best score in every subject; her daughters are never allowed to watch TV or play computer games; no dinner if they do not have a good practice of their music, etc。论文网

















