Discourse analysis can not only be used as a method, but it also can be used as a view on nature of language。 To be more specific, we can consider the discourse analysis as a relevant collection of methods or ways that need a lot of practice of data collection and analysis and a series of theory with theoretical assumptions。 The data that grammarian used is not the simple sentence or a series of simple sentence that we usually used to explain the special feature of target language。 But it usually is used by grammarian to make the sentence or sentences that he applies as examples。 On the contrary, the analysis of discourse is mainly according to the speaking output of common people rather than professional analyst。 What’s more, the data of discourse analyst is often obtained from profession books or proprietary tape recordings。 It seldom can be seen in form of simple sentence。 Some kinds of linguistic material are sometimes considered as performance data。 And many of these linguistic materials include the features like slips, hesitations and informal forms that linguist like Chomsky thought should not be classified in a language’ grammar。

In a word, teachers’ discourse is the language used by teachers in classroom setting when they are in the process of organizing and teaching。 Teachers’ discourse serves both as media language and the content and goals in classroom teaching。 It can be said that the quality of teachers’ discourse from English teachers has immediate bearing on the output of learners’ target language。 This is particular true in primary schools, where teachers’ discourse may be one of the greatest and most reliable sources of the learners’ input。 Nevertheless, teachers’ discourse has been long neglected by English teachers in primary schools。 They have not paid attention to their discourse in class nor have they been aware of what essential characteristics teachers’ discourse is supposed to have or what kind of teachers’ discourse may facilitate learning。

II。 Teachers’ Discourse and Related Theories 

Currently, teachers’ discourse is generally studied in the empirical mode。 According to teachers’ discourse researches, most teachers use natural method, gathering a particular course such as intensive reading, extensive reading, speaking or listening, etc。 Through data analysis and the study of English teachers’ discourse, a certain amount classroom recording samples and questionnaire express some internal problems existing in primary English education and the relationship between teachers’ characteristics and learner’ language acquisition。 Although there are some limits on the data coverage, these studies reflect the domestic study on the classroom discourse, the second language acquisition and teachers’ discourse, which provide valuable basis for the further study。 In this part, a brief introduction is presented here about the teachers’ discourse and some related theories。

2。1 Study of Teachers’ Discourse

Teachers’ discourse is regarded as crucial importance in the teaching, organization and management of the class。 As a social phenomenon, discourse analysis pays much attention to language use。 So it is necessary to transcend a speaker or the article on the newspaper to find those features that are much more relevant, which is perhaps a confusing point because the way that publication present research findings is usually by setting examples。 Besides, an example or cause may be used by the analyst to prove the features that are discussed。 However, these features can only represent social interest but ignore inpidual interest。

Teachers’ discourse can be regarded as a kind of professional language used to impart knowledge to students, exchange feelings with them in the teaching process, which is based on specific features and practical need of teaching。 To be more specifically, teachers’ discourse is the totality of language that teachers use in class, which primarily refers to the language of teaching content presentation and explanation of the teaching materials。 It also includes language of the classroom organization and management (Cheng 12)。 Dong Jiefeng and Zhu Ruozhen (23), from the linguistic point of view, who concluded and classified teachers’ discourse, discussed its characteristics in pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax and texture。 They point out in foreign language teaching classrooms, teachers often pronounce exaggeratedly in pronunciation。 They either delay the pauses, or slow the speed, or make loud sound。 They usually pronounce vowels clearly, and make few consonant links。 In vocabulary, they try to use as many simple words as possible, rarely using the oral style, few infinitives and abbreviations, etc。 In syntax, they use short sentences, few complex sentences, heavy use of the present tense and complete sentence structures because they are afraid that the students cannot understand。 The speed of delivering information is slower than ordinary speed by a half or a third。 In texture, a lot of first persons, many suggestive utterance activities, dialogues, and self-repetitions can be found。 Dong Jiefeng and Zhu Ruozhen’s conclusion shows that the language of teachers in foreign language teaching classrooms is the standard language that has been simplified and revised on the levels of pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax and discourse。

















