摘要:“三农”问题一直是制约我国农村发展的老大难问题,随着我国城镇化进程的加快,农村各种矛盾加剧,比如征地拆迁问题、社会保障问题、农村贪腐问题等。而农民作为弱势群体,其利益表达的渠道过窄,很大程度上依赖大众传媒为他们鼓与呼。本文主要采用内容分析法,对《聚焦三农》涉农法治节目在主题内容、报道基调、问题呈现方式、评述形式、农民角色呈现、舆论监督力度等方面进行实证分析,探究《聚焦三农》中涉农法治节目的内容、特点及优化原则,为媒体改进涉农法治节目或报道提供借鉴。26935 毕业论文关键词:《聚焦三农》;涉农法治节目;实证分析
Abstract:"Three rural" issue has always been a problem restricting the development of our country rural area.With the speeding up of urbanization process in China,all kinds of rural contradictions is becoming more and more serious,such as land requisition,the social security problem and corruption in the countryside.But Farmer as a vulnerable group,the interest expression channel is too narrow,to a large extent depend on the mass media to drum and call for them.
This article mainly adopts content analysis method,to "focus on agriculture, rural areas and farmers" agricultural law program in the theme content, report tone, problem presentation, form, farmers role makes an empirical analysis, strength of supervision by public opinion.To explore the focus on agriculture, rural areas and farmers, agricultural program content, characteristics and principles of optimization, under the rule of law for the media to improve its rule of law programs or report for reference.
Keywords:"focus on agriculture; rural areas and farmers";agriculture law program;the empirical analysis