摘 要:本文采用从个别到一般的分析思路,以商水县化河乡第一初级中学为案例,通过对本校基本办学情况以及音乐教师的调查,分析了农村中学合唱教学的现状:缺乏专业的音乐教师、社会各阶层对农村中学合唱不够重视、音乐教师素质偏低、学校设备匮乏等。然而合唱艺术在农村中学教育中承担着提高学生艺术修养、培养团队精神、塑造精神面貌的重要作用。因此,我们有必要努力改变农村中学合唱的薄弱现状:加大重视力度,鼓励音乐专业人才来农村任教;规范合唱课程;完善音乐教学设备。7855
Countermeasures and a rural middle school chorus teaching discussion
Shangshui County
-- to River middle school chorus teaching as an example
Abstract: from the inpidual to the general analysis method by using the Shangshui County, township of the first junior high school as a case, through the investigation on the basic situation of running school and music teachers, analyzes the current situation of rural middle school chorus teaching: lack of professional music teachers, social all walks of rural middle school chorus, not paying enough attention to music the low quality of teachers, school equipment, such as the lack of. However the chorus art in rural middle school education and undertake to improve students' artistic accomplishment, cultivate team spirit, an important role in shaping the spirit of. Therefore, it is necessary for us to change the weak status of rural middle school chorus: greater emphasis on strength, encourage music professionals to teach in rural areas; specification of chorus course; improve the music teaching equipment.
Keywords: rural middle school chorus; present situation; Countermeasures