    Research on green design idea in the display industry
    Abstract: Display design as to provide people with special dissemination and exchange of information "stage" has begun to show its important position in the areas of brand image conveyed. Through the creation of exhibition space environment, how to help reshape the brand image, how to actively mobilize the physiological and psychological reactions of the audience passing out information, this is the meaning and value of the display design, exhibition design and implementation.
    This topic is in 2013, Ferrari international exhibition hall in the consumer electronics show the design. With the development of social economy, the exhibition industry, and using the material in the exhibition is also increasingly serious performance. Design of excessive commercialized, accelerate the global resources and energy consumption. In this design, at home and abroad about the concept of green design experience, using the modern design elements, combined with the enterprise brand image,, build a can disassemble simply assemble, can be repeated use, the green environmental protection and saving cost of new concepts.
    Keywords:Green design, Ferrari showrooms, environmental protection, removable.
    引言    3
    一、绪论    3
    (一)研究的目的与意义    4
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展    4
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    4
    二、展示设计中品牌形象传达的方式    4
    (一)展示设计中视觉传达的图形元素    5
    2.    1.文字与图形    5
    3.    2.图形的作用    5
    (二)展示设计中视觉传达的文字元素    5
    4.    1.文字设计    5
    三、多媒体应用在展示设计中的重要性    6
    (一)案例一:和氏成都规划馆    6
    四、绿色设计在展示设计中的意义    6
    (一)案例二:2010上海世博会印度馆    7
    五、三个定位塑造绿色环保的品牌形象    7
    (一)功能定位    7
    (二)空间定位    8
    (三)风格定位    9
    5.    1.设计简述    9
    6.    2.设计说明    10
    结语    12
    致谢    12
    参考文献    13
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