
    摘要色彩是组织装饰画形式美的一个重要表现因素。装饰画的色彩是 以强调色彩的形式美及个人主观感受为特征的,它不同于一般意义上的绘画,更有别于图案色彩。装饰色彩可以随意改变自然形态中色彩的固有面貌,可以改变常规 意义上的色彩关系,在色彩的运用上自由度更大一些,主观意识更强一些,其目的也是为了给人以更加强烈的视觉感受,尽力表现装饰画浪漫美好的艺术特点。48942

    色彩是组织装饰画形式美的一个重要表现因素.装饰画的色彩是 以强调色彩的形式美及个人主观感受为特征的,其色彩是追求主观表现性的色彩艺术.本文以色彩形式审美为主,并通过现代的旋律、节奏、构成等抽象形式,完成 装饰画的装饰语言和装饰效果.就色彩的象征、装饰、模仿和表现作用论述色彩是以平面造型表现客观物象,以主观意念为思维方式,就象征性与表现性来讲,色彩 本身就意着一种艺术形式所拥有的独立审美意义。 

    毕业论文关键词:(装饰画;色彩;主观性;画面构成;创新 )

    ABSTRACT Colours are an important factor to express the beauty of decoration paintings. The colours of decoration paintings , characterized by the beauty of colours form and inpidual subjective feeling, are different from those in general sense. They can change the original appearance of colours in natural state at will, and change the common relation between colours , thus enjoying much more freedom in the expression of colours with stronger subjectiveness, aiming at display the romance of decoration paintings.

    Formal decorative painting color is to organize an important performance factors.Decorative painting color is emphasized and the formal beauty of color is characterized by subjective feelings,and its color is the color of the pursuit of subjective performance art,the colors in the form of aesthetic lord is studieed.Through modern melody,rhythm,composition,and other abstract forms,the decorative language of decorative painting and decorative effect are completed.Mainly on the color of the symbol,decoration,described the role of imitation and performance of the color images are graphic performance objective to the subjective ideas as ways of thinking to the symbolic and expressive terms,means that the color itself as an art form that own independent aesthetic significance.

    Keywords:(Organize;Colour;Language of decorative painting;Symbolic;Common relation)

    目    录






    三 、装饰画的色彩 6








    结论 13






    装饰画作为一种艺术形式, 在人类最初时期与会话没有本质的区别, 都起源于原始的壁画!岩画! 图腾绘画等 但随着人类物质生活提高, 人们对精神生活的要求越来越高,装饰色彩这个词脱颖而出他是造型艺术的重要要素之一,是一切视觉元素中最活跃、最具有冲击力的元素,在装饰艺术领域中更具有特殊的重要地位。  方面研究装饰画,其中色彩在装饰画中占据重要地位。它是不受任何空间,绘制对象本身的限制,充分发挥主观性从实际作用出发,客体服务主体通过不断的变换,对比,夸张等表现形式来带到装饰的效果。

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