


    Analysis the research on the waterside deck in residential public garden in Shanghai

    From ancient times to the present,Water is closely related to human life.

    And it seems that there is a gene that loves to be close to water in people's nature.Hydrophilic  activities are not only by children and adolescents of all ages, adult people is difficult to resist the temptation. And with the country's development, people's living standard is getting higher and higher. Compared with the past, the residency requirements should be higher than many. Modern residential community, almost all of the green landscape and hydrophilic landscape is green in the most important part. Hydrophilic landscape can not only reflect the local culture, but also the green design considerably. It can be water and surrounding environment of perfect harmony together, and can let people at any time to enjoy the fun. Not only is for people to watch, but also for people to create a good learning People's physical and mental learning, entertainment, leisure environment. Pleasure. In this paper, by facing the shallow study of the hydrophilic landscape green space in Shanghai residential, find out some of the problems of current domestic hydrophilic platform, and elaborated own some reference ideas. Hope to the hydrophilic landscape more perfectly into people's daily life.

    Keyword:water;nature;Hydrophilic landscape

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 2

    一. 绪论 6

     (一)亲水景观的概述 6

     (二)上海居住型绿地中,亲水景观的现状 6

        1.目前居住型绿地中的亲水景观设计性与功能性存在矛盾 6

         (1)亲水景观不能满足居民的需求 7

         (2)亲水景观有观赏性但不实用 7

        2.亲水景观的设计与周边环境不协调 7

        3.缺乏亲水景观工程设计上的合理性 7

    二.居住型绿地亲水景观的设计导向 7

     (一)亲水景观的规划原则 7

        1.整体布局统一协调 7

        2.设计目的明确 8

        3.水景位置恰当 8


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