
    摘  要:油画艺术从审美的视角出发。根据自己的看法去感受美,发现美,创造美。油画的表现语言主要包含了线条、明暗、色彩、笔触、肌理、质感、构图、等,点线面可以说是构成画面的最基本元素,其相互联系,又辩证统一。在绘画过程中合理的利用点线面,学会分割与组合,突出个性化表现,将会使画面获得强烈的形式美感,通过对创作题材的内容和主题的思考,充分利用点,戳,摆,提,旋等笔法,平涂,厚涂等技法对画面的色彩进行处理,带给欣赏者震撼的视觉效果。绘画表现语言体现了不同艺术家独特的审美视角、创作体验和具有个性化的艺术表现手法。本文通过对油画个体审美视角的独特性,以及个性化油画表现出发,探究油画创作中审美与趣性表现的关系,通过实际案例进行论证阐述,并联系自己的实际创作过程做具体分析。56231


    Abstract: Oil painting art from the aesthetic perspective. According to their own views to feel beauty, found beauty and create beauty. The performance of the oil painting language mainly contains lines, light and shade, color, brushwork, texture, texture, composition, etc., can say is the most basic composition of point, line and plane element, the mutual connection, and dialectical unification. Reasonable use in the process of painting, of point, line and plane to separation and combination, outstanding inpidual performance, strong form aesthetic feeling, will make picture, by thinking of the content of the subject matter and theme, make full use of the points, poking, pendulum, and spin and brushwork, flat, thick coating techniques to deal with the color of the picture, such as bring people the visual effect of shock. Painting expression language embodies the artist's unique aesthetic perspective, different creative experience, and with personalized artistic technique of expression. This article through to the oil painting to the uniqueness of inpidual aesthetic perspective, as well as personalized painting performance, to explore the relationship of aesthetic and interesting performance in oil painting creation, through the actual case to demonstrate, and contact your own actual creation process to do concrete analysis.

    Keywords: Oil painting, aesthetic perspective, personalized language, interest, performance

    目 录

    引 言 4

    1.创作缘起 4

    2.油画中个体审美的独特性 4

    3.油画的个性化语言表现 5

    4.审美视角与趣性表现的关系 6

    4.1案例的解析 7

    4.2独特的审美视角选择有利于趣性表现 8

    5.创作感受 9

    参考文献 10

    致  谢 11



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