    关键词:  青春     题材    时代精神     当代绘画
    "Youth" theme occupies an important position in the painting subjects, because youth is the human collective memories, has been the subject of painting in the eternity praise. Youth has different connotation in different times, its content and form of expression can detail to reflect the era of an era of spiritual pursuit and aesthetic preferences, become the embodiment of spirit of the age.
    Youth is inseparable with the human collective memory; Youth is also to be united with photograph of the human spirit pursuit. Is closely related to human survival environment, youth is based on the social political and economic conditions. Therefore, youth to permeate almost every field of the era of ubiquitous, became the most typical characteristics of concentration times show.
    As the embodiment of the spirit of art as a new era in China, have a special liking to youth theme, in numerous artists become the carrier of interpretation of the artistic value and world outlook. Repeated cruel youth theme, popular commercial (pop) paintings and cartoon art, etc., on behalf of the economy of the consumer society of lively, impetuous, fashion but empty time. Review and analysis of youth theme, help us the spirit of the era development trend and typical traits to clarify.
    Key Words: youth;  subject matter;  the spirit of the age;  contemporary paintings

    目   录
    一、引言   1
    二、青春题材绘画的主要特征及演变 1
    2.1 西方绘画中青春题材的演变及主要特征    1
    2.2 青春题材绘画在中国油画中的主要表现    3    
    3.1 青春题材绘画的内容形式    4
    3.2 青春题材绘画的表现方式(技法、手法)    5
    4.1 青春与人类的集体记忆    5
    4.2 青春与人类的精神诉求    6
    4.3 青春与人类的生存环境    6
    4.4 青春与社会的政治经济状况    6
    优尔、我的作品中对青春题材的表现 9
    七、结论 11


    九、参考文献 13
    一、    引言
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