摘    要目的:调查宁海县中年人对现阶段养老服务的认知和养老意愿,分析影响他们选择的主要因素,为政府和社会的养老建设提出建议。方法:在宁海县2个主城区抽取同等规模的6个社区,对社区内45-59岁的中年人进行问卷调查。问卷内容包括:基本情况,养老服务认知、退休后的养老意愿等。采用spss17。0对数据进行统计分析,对资料进行描述性分析和logistic回归分析,研究影响中年人养老意愿的主要因素。结果:本次问卷共发放450份,回收419份,回收率93。1%。性别、宗教信仰对中年人退休后选择子女依靠养老的倾向比较显著(P<0。05);受教育程度、个人收入对中年人经济规划的准备有显著影响(P<0。05);在生活部分不能自理的情况下,以医疗机构养老为参照类,影响人们选择居家养老和养老机构养老的因素是性别、受教育程度和个人收入(P<0。05),选择社区养老的是个人收入(P<0。05);在生活严重不能自理的情况下,影响中年人选择居家养老和养老机构养老的因素有性别、受教育程度(P<0。05),影响中年人选择社区养老的是性别、健康状况(P<0。05)。结论:宁海县中年人有养老规划的比例较低;对未来生活风险的防范意识不强;养老防老的观念在不断弱化,但对养老产业的医疗服务日益重视;社区养老模式和安宁疗护模式在人群中的认知普及度不高。建议:政府及相关部门完善相关法律法规政策,规范、支持居家养老和民营养老机构发展;引导中年人进行科学合理的养老规划;社区和养老机构以及养老医疗健康机构要注重医疗服务品质的提升。88382

Abstract: Objective the pension service awareness and pension willingness at this stage of the middle age in Ninghai County are investigated to help to find out the main factors affecting their choice, and therefore the author pertinence provides a basis for the government and social pension construction。 Method six communities of the same size at two main areas in Ninghai were extracted to investigate the middle age from 45 to 59。 The questionnaire includes basic situation, awareness of pension service, and endowment after retirement。 The data was adopted descriptive analysis and logistic regression analysis by SPSS17。0 to study the main factors that affect the willingness of the middle age。 Results There are 450 questionnaires in this survey, 419 of which were taken back。 The response rate was 93。1%。 Gender, religious beliefs have significant effects on the tendency of relying on children of the middle age (P < 0。05)。 Education level, personal income impact on the preparation of middle - aged people 's economic planning significantly (P < 0。05)。 With the medical institutions as a reference category, In the situation of life cannot take care of themselves, gender, education and personal income have significant impact on the people's choice of home endowment service and institutional care of the elderly (P < 0。05), personal income affects the choice of community nursing service(P < 0。05)。 In the situation of life can not take care of themselves seriously, gender and education have significant impact on the choice of home endowment service and institutional care of the elderly(P < 0。05)。Gender and health condition impact on the people's choice of community nursing service significantly。 Conclusion The proportion of the middle age has pension planning is low and the awareness of future life risk is poor; however, the concept of raising children to provide against old age is weakening and the medical care of the pension industry is paid more and more attention by people。 Most the middle age don not know the pattern of community nursing service and the pattern of hospice care。The author suggests government and relevant departments improving the relevant laws, regulations and policies。 Regulating and supporting development of private pension institutions。 Moreover, Guide middle-aged people to carry out scientific and rational pension planning。 Community and pension agencies and old - age health care institutions should put emphasis on the improvement of medical service quality。

















