摘要:鉴于儿童自闭症在医学研究中的病因目前尚不明确、近年来发病率激增以及我国自 闭症儿童及其家庭的社会支持系统不健全等一系列的现实因素。本文选取上海市某特殊 儿童教育机构,以社会工作介入为视角,运用社会支持理论和生态系统理论,采用文献法、 参与式观察法和个案研究的方法,分析目前我国自闭症的研究进展和面临现状、评估自闭 症儿童及其家庭所面临的问题和需求。并结合自己在实习中观察特教老师的介入活动,对 介入情况进行评估,从而运用专业的社会工作视角为自闭症儿童的康复提供支持性建议。 并希望通过本文的相关研究,一方面为自闭症儿童及其家庭改善所面临的困境,从而帮助 自闭症儿童更好的回归社会、融入社会;另一方面也为能为专业社会工作方法介入儿童自 闭症儿童提供实践参考。
关键词: 自闭症儿童 社会工作介入 小组工作
Social Work Intervention Research for Autistic Children
Abstract: In view of the fact that the cause of childhood autism in medical research is not yet clear, the incidence has increased sharply in recent years, and a series of realistic factors such as the unsound social support system for children with autism in China and their families. This article selects a special education institution for children in Shanghai. From the perspective of social work intervention, we use social support theory and ecosystem theory, and use literature, participatory observation, and case studies to analyze the current research progress in autism in China. Face the status quo and assess the problems and needs of children with autism and their families. Combined with my own intervention in the special education teacher's intervention activities, evaluation of the intervention, so as to use professional social work perspective to provide support for the rehabilitation of children with autism recommendations. I hope that through the relevant research in this article, on the one hand, we will improve the dilemma faced by autistic children and their families, thereby helping autistic children to better return to society and integrate into the society; on the other hand, they will also be able to work for professional social work methods. Interventions for children with autism provide practical references.
Key Words: Autistic Children Social Work Intervention Group Work
一、 绪论... - 1 -
(一) 研究背景... - 1 -
1. 现实背景... - 1 -
2. 政策背景... - 2 -
3. 专业背景... - 2 -
(二) 研究意义... - 3 -
1. 理论意义... - 3 -
2. 现实意义... - 3 -
(三) 研究方法... - 3 -
1. 文献研究法: . - 3 -
2. 参与式观察.. - 4 -
3. 个案研究法.. - 4 -
二、 相关文献研究综述 ... - 5 -
(一) 关于儿童自闭症的相关研究.. - 5 -
(二) 自闭症儿童常用干预方法的相关研究 ... - 6 - 1. ABA 干预疗法 . - 6 -
2. RDI 干预疗法 .. - 6 -
3. 感觉统合训练 . - 6 - (三) 关于社会工作介入自闭症儿童的相关研究 .. - 6 -
三、 个案分析——助“星星的孩子”发现困境... - 8 -