    摘要:土霉素作为四环素类抗生素的一种,它对微囊藻毒素-LR(MC-LR)释放的急性影响是本次实验的主题。我们通过测不同浓度藻液的吸光度和其细胞密度做出吸光度-藻细胞密度标准曲线。并通过查此曲线来得到试样在经土霉素处理后的藻细胞密度。本实验使用酶联免疫吸附法来检测试样在染毒48h后的MC-LR浓度。经浓度为1ppm、2ppm、5ppm土霉素溶液处理的试样染毒48h后的细胞密度均有所增长,但增长幅度均小于空白试样,并且细胞密度呈现随土霉素浓度升高而下降的趋势。而经浓度为10ppm的土霉素溶液处理的试样的细胞密度减少。经浓度为5ppm土霉素溶液处理的试样在染毒培养48h后细胞外MC-LR浓度、总MC-LR浓度和每105个藻细胞(胞外)MC-LR释放量均最低,而经浓度为1ppm土霉素溶液处理的试样的细胞外MC-LR浓度、总MC-LR浓度和每105个藻细胞(胞外)MC-LR释放量均最高。MC-LR总释放量和细胞内MC-LR浓度随土霉素浓度增加而升高。研究发现环境中残留的土霉素对MC-LR的释放有所影响,因此我们应该合理使用抗生素。关键词: 土霉素;微囊藻毒素-LR(MC-LR);四环素类抗生素;酶联免疫吸附法8817
    Study on toxicity of Oxytetracycline in Microcystis aeruginosa
    Abstract: The immediate impact of Oxytetracycline (OTC), one kind of tetracycline antibiotics, on microcystin-LR (MC-LR) release of Microcystis aeruginosa was investigated. The relationship between absorbance and cell density, determined by measuring cell density and using UV spectrum, is for counting cell numbers per L. MC-LR concentration released by Microcystis aeruginosa was detected by Indirect Enzyme -Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (Indirect ELISA) after exposure to a various concentration range of OTC. In a 48 h cultivation after treated by 1 ppm, 2 ppm and 5 ppm OTC solution, the cell density increased but the increment was lower than control sample, and the cell density decreased as concentration of OTC solution increased. In the cultivation after treated by 10 ppm OTC solution, the cell density decreased. In the cultivation after treated by 5 ppm OTC solution, the extracellular MC-LR concentration, total MC-LR concentration and the release of MC-LR per 105 cells were all lower than other samples. In the cultivation after treated by 1 ppm OTC solution, the extracellular MC-LR concentration, total MC-LR concentration and the release of MC-LR per 105 cells were all higher than other samples. The total release of MC-LR and the intracellular MC-LR concentration increased as concentration of OTC solution increased. Study found that residual OTC in the environment has an immediate impact on MC-LR release of Microcystis aeruginosa. So we should make rational use of antibiotics.
    KeyWords:     Oxytetracycline; microcystin-LR (MC-LR); tetracycline antibiotics; ELISA 

    1.    引言    1
    1.1    抗生素简介    1
    1.1.1    四环素类抗生素结构    1
    1.1.2    抗生素污染现状    1
    1.1.3    土霉素的环境行为    2
    1.1.4    土霉素污染现状    2
    1.2    微囊藻毒素研究现状    3
    1.2.1    MC-LR的结构性质    3
    1.2.2    微囊藻毒素理化性质    4
    1.2.3    微囊藻毒素与水生生物间的互相影响    4
    1.2.4    MC-LR毒理作用    5
    1.3    本研究内容、目的和意义    6
    2.    材料和方法    6
    2.1    仪器灭菌    6
    2.2    BG-11培养基配制    7
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