摘要:淫羊藿属于小檗科淫羊藿属植物,淫羊藿苷是淫羊藿的主要成分之一,属于黄酮类化合物,在现代药理的相关研究中表明,淫羊藿苷具备增强免疫力、促进生殖功能、防治骨质疏松、抗衰老和抗肿瘤的药效特点,因此将淫羊藿苷的含量作为本养生药酒的评价标准之一。目的:建立自制药酒中淫羊藿苷含量的测定方法,完成各个质量控制方法的实验并测定待测药酒中淫羊藿苷的含量。方法:采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对自制药酒中淫羊藿苷含量进行测定,选用十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶(C18,250x4。6 mm,5 μm)为色谱柱填充剂;流动相:以乙腈为流动相A,水为流动相B,按规定进行梯度洗脱;流速:1。0 mL·min-1;检测波长:270 nm;柱温:40 ℃;进样量:10 μL。结果:淫羊藿苷在浓度5。065~50。65 μg·mL-1范围内具有良好的线性关系,R2=0。9991;平均回收率为102。57 %,满足中药样品回收率限度范围;重复性相对标准偏差为0。90 %,满足中药样品精密度RSD可接受范围;供试品溶液在制备24 h内,RSD值为0。47 %(n=6),溶液稳定性好。结论:经过了系统的方法学考察,本课题所建立的测定方法准确、简单易行、重复性好,且各项指标均符合2015版《中国药典》(四部)0901药品质量标准分析方法验证指导原则的规定,因此,可用于本自制药酒中淫羊藿苷含量的测定。76157


Determination of icariin in self-made medicinal wine

Abstract: Epimedium belongs to Berberidaceae epimedium and icariin is one of the main ingredients of epimedium, belongs to flavonoids, in a related study of modern pharmacology, icariin with enhancing immunity, promote the effect characteristics of reproductive function, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, anti-aging and anti-tumor, so the content of icariin as evaluation the standard of health wine。 Objective: to establish a method for the determination of icariin in Chinese medicinal wine, to complete the experiment of various quality control methods and to determine the content of icariin in the medicinal wine。 Methods: using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on the content of icari in self-made medicinal wine were determined using eighteen alkyl silane bonded silica (C18,250 × 4。6 mm,5 μm) as the filler of chromatographic column; the mobile phase acetonitrile as mobile phase A, water as mobile phase B, the gradient elution velocity according to the provisions; 1 mL·min-1; detection wavelength: 270 nm; column temperature: 40 ℃; sample size:10 μL。The Results: Icariin had a good linearity in the concentration range of 5。065~50。65 μg·mL-1, R2 = 0。9991; the average recovery was 102。57 %, which satisfied the recovery range of traditional Chinese medicine samples; the relative standard deviation of repeatability was 0。90 %, To meet the traditional Chinese medicine sample RSD acceptable range; stability is good: the test solution in the preparation 24 h, RSD value of 0。47 % (n = 6)。 Conclusion: After ystematic study on methodology, the method established by this project is accurate, simple and reproducible, and the indexes are in line with the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" (4) in the 2015 edition。 0901 Drug Quality Standard Analysis Method Verification Guidance The provisions of the principle, therefore, can be used in the self-made wine in the determination of icariin content。

Keywords: Icariin;determination;HPLC


1 背景 1

1。1 药酒简介 1

1。1。1 药酒的发展历史 1

1。1。2 药酒与中医学 2











