    摘要:铁路运输每年承载的旅客周转量占全部旅客输送量的 1/3以上,是我国的主要交通运输方式之一。在经过优尔次全面提速后,我国铁路已经正式进入高铁时代。目前中国投入运营的高速铁路已达到 6800多公里,铁路提速的优点是显而易见的,但也存在诸多技术难题亟待解决。高速列车的运行速度在不断地创造新纪录的同时,人们也对列车的平稳性、舒适性提出了更高的要求。转向架作为列车关键部件,将线路的随机激扰传递给车体,悬挂装置的振动衰减性能对于列车的运行品质具有决定性的作用。本论文主要做了以下工作:研究了转向架悬挂系统的振动特性理论;从线路和车辆两个方面归纳了引起高速列车振动的原因,并对引起高速列车振动各种影响因素进行了定性分析;建立了两质量块等效模型及其振动微分方程组,给定了振动的初始条件通过 MATLAB 软件对车体的振动加速度进行计算,绘制出振动衰减曲线。 21657
    Bogie vibration measure system of CRH1
    ABSTRACT: Railway is one of our country's major modes of transportation, whose traffic
    capacity accounts for more than 1/3 of total passenger traffic turnover each year. After six times
    speed raising, china railway has officially entered the era of high-speed rail. Our country's
    operation mileage of high-speed rail has reached more than 6800 kilometers. The advantage of
    high-speed train is obvious, but there are also many problems to be solved. As the running
    speed of high-speed trains is constantly creating new records, people are more concerned about
    smooth running and comfort of high-speed trains. Bogie as the key component of the train, pass
    the random excitation of the orbit to the body, the vibration attenuation performance of the
    suspension has plays a decisive role in the running quality of the train. The thesis contains
    following parts, the theory of bogie suspension vibration characteristics was researched; it
    wassummed up that the cause of the vibration from lines and vehicles; Vehicle equivalent
    model was established and its vibration differential equations were calculated by MATLAB. 
    Key words: high-speed train, bogie, vibration attenuation
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  论文选题背景和研究意义  .. 1
    1.1.1  选题背景  ... 1
    1.1.2  研究意义  ... 1
    1.2  高速列车转向架概述. 3
    1.2.1  转向架的基本组成及作用   3
    1.2.2  高速列车转向架的特点  ... 4
    1.2.3  高速列车转向架的运动特性  5
    1.3  国内外研究现状  ... 6
    1.3.1  高速列车转向架研究现状   6
    1.3.2  高速列车转向架试验台研究现状  .. 7
    1.4  论文主要研究内容  .. 10
    1.5  本章小结  ... 10
    2  振动特性的理论研究  ..  11
    2.1  振动的危害   11
    2.2  研究振动现象的意义... 12
    2.3  研究转向架振动的重要性   12
    2.4  转向架振动问题的研究  ... 13
    2.4.1  振动问题的组成  ... 13
    2.4.2  振动频率的测定方法   13
    2.5  影响高速列车振动的因素   14
    2.5.1  线路方面产生振动的原因  .. 14
    2.5.2  车辆方面产生振动的原因  .. 16
    2.6  本章小结  ... 18
    3  振动系统建模研究及仿真计算  ..  19
    3.1  车体运动的基本形式... 19
    3.2  两质量块振动模型仿真质量研究  .. 21
    3.2.1  车辆参数及模型的简化  . 21
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